Title from caption."A union illustrated magazine published monthly by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Societies of the Presbyterian Church."Mode of access: Internet
"Published for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South."Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet
Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the General Federation of Women's Clubs
"A magazine for literature, philosophy, and religion."Editors: Margaret Fuller, R.W. Emerson, George...
Title from caption."A foreign missions magazine."Mode of access: Internet.Vols. Jan.-June 1916 publi...
Cover title: Woman's medical work in foreign lands.Includes publisher's advertisements.Mode of acces...
Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (Oct. 1871); title from cover.Mode of access: Internet.Also issu...
Title from caption."The monthly magazine of belles-lettres and the arts."Mode of access: Internet
Caption title.At head of title: Women's Foreign Missionary Society, Presbyterian Church in Canada (W...
Caption title.In: The Century illustrated monthly magazine ; v. 25, no. 15 (Nov. 1882)Includes bibli...
Description based on: Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1914); title from the masthead.Mode of access: Internet
Edited by Mrs. A.G. Whittelsey.Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continues: Mrs. Whittelse...
Mode of access: Internet.Published by the Woman's board of missions, the woman's board of missions f...
"A monthly magazine of national and foreign missions."v. 1, no. 1-2 called v. 4, no. 1-2.Mode of acc...
"A quarterly magazine of pleasure and profit for the man or woman with a hobby."Caption title.Mode o...
Issues numbered consecutively.Mode of access: Internet.Formed by the union of: Zenana mission quarte...
"Published for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South."Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet
Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the General Federation of Women's Clubs
"A magazine for literature, philosophy, and religion."Editors: Margaret Fuller, R.W. Emerson, George...
Title from caption."A foreign missions magazine."Mode of access: Internet.Vols. Jan.-June 1916 publi...
Cover title: Woman's medical work in foreign lands.Includes publisher's advertisements.Mode of acces...
Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (Oct. 1871); title from cover.Mode of access: Internet.Also issu...
Title from caption."The monthly magazine of belles-lettres and the arts."Mode of access: Internet
Caption title.At head of title: Women's Foreign Missionary Society, Presbyterian Church in Canada (W...
Caption title.In: The Century illustrated monthly magazine ; v. 25, no. 15 (Nov. 1882)Includes bibli...
Description based on: Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1914); title from the masthead.Mode of access: Internet
Edited by Mrs. A.G. Whittelsey.Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continues: Mrs. Whittelse...
Mode of access: Internet.Published by the Woman's board of missions, the woman's board of missions f...
"A monthly magazine of national and foreign missions."v. 1, no. 1-2 called v. 4, no. 1-2.Mode of acc...
"A quarterly magazine of pleasure and profit for the man or woman with a hobby."Caption title.Mode o...
Issues numbered consecutively.Mode of access: Internet.Formed by the union of: Zenana mission quarte...
"Published for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South."Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet
Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the General Federation of Women's Clubs
"A magazine for literature, philosophy, and religion."Editors: Margaret Fuller, R.W. Emerson, George...