Zakat merupakan salah satu kewajiban umat Muslim dalam bentuk tanggungjawab sosial kepada masyarakat golongan yang kurang beruntung. Zakat dapat didistribusikan dalam berbagai bentuk dimana salah satunya zakat produktif yang harapannya memberikan kebermanfaatan kepada penerima zakat (mustahik) karena diberikan dalam bentuk modal usaha. Pemberian modal usaha kepada mustahik memiliki tujuan agar mereka lebih berdaya dan keluar dari garis kemiskinan. Sebagaimana pada Baznas Provinsi Lampung yang berhasil mendistribusikan 85% dana zakat dan diberikan ke 8 asnaf. Distribusi tersebut salah satunya dalam bentuk zakat produktif dimana pada bulan Maret 2022 sebanyak 142 mustahik berhasil diberdayakan namun disatu sisi belum sebanding dengan jumlah p...
AbstrakZakat merupakan satu-satunya rukun Islam yang selain berdimensi vertikal juga berdimensi hori...
Islam in realizing prosperity is carrying out Allah's commands in the fourth pillar of Islam, namely...
Productive zakat is one of distribution of aid that has two dimensions, the economic and spiri...
Zakat, according to Islam, is an obligation that must be carried out by every Muslim. It acts as a t...
This study aims to identify and explain the distribution of productive zakat funds in developing the...
Abstract: This study aims to determine the management of productive zakat funds for the empowerment ...
Islam requires rich Muslims to distribute their wealth through zakat. Therefore, zakat can be used a...
The purpose of zakat management formally is to (1) improve the effectiveness and efficiency of servi...
This study aims to identify and explain the distribution of productive zakat funds in developing the...
This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra...
Productive zakat is zakat given to a person or group of people to be used as working capital. Giving...
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that is obligatory for Muslims and distributed to other Muslims...
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that every Muslim in the world must practice. Zakat works to re...
This study analyzes how the role of productive zakat in improving the welfare of mustahik in terms o...
AbstrakZakat merupakan satu-satunya rukun Islam yang selain berdimensi vertikal juga berdimensi hori...
Islam in realizing prosperity is carrying out Allah's commands in the fourth pillar of Islam, namely...
Productive zakat is one of distribution of aid that has two dimensions, the economic and spiri...
Zakat, according to Islam, is an obligation that must be carried out by every Muslim. It acts as a t...
This study aims to identify and explain the distribution of productive zakat funds in developing the...
Abstract: This study aims to determine the management of productive zakat funds for the empowerment ...
Islam requires rich Muslims to distribute their wealth through zakat. Therefore, zakat can be used a...
The purpose of zakat management formally is to (1) improve the effectiveness and efficiency of servi...
This study aims to identify and explain the distribution of productive zakat funds in developing the...
This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra...
Productive zakat is zakat given to a person or group of people to be used as working capital. Giving...
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that is obligatory for Muslims and distributed to other Muslims...
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that every Muslim in the world must practice. Zakat works to re...
This study analyzes how the role of productive zakat in improving the welfare of mustahik in terms o...
AbstrakZakat merupakan satu-satunya rukun Islam yang selain berdimensi vertikal juga berdimensi hori...
Islam in realizing prosperity is carrying out Allah's commands in the fourth pillar of Islam, namely...
Productive zakat is one of distribution of aid that has two dimensions, the economic and spiri...