Çalışmamızda trombositlerin epinefrine yanıtlarının optik agregometre ve PFA–100 sistemi ile incelenmesi amaçlandı.20–76 yaş arası, sağlıklı ve gönüllü 68 kişiden alınan kan örnekleri PFA–100 sisteminde kollajen/epinefrin ve kollajen/ADP kartuşu ile kapanma zamanı ölçülerek trombosit yanıtları değerlendirildi. Agregasyon testleri için elde edilen trombositten zengin plazma (450µl) üzerine 10 µM ADP, 10 µg/ml kollajen veya 300 µM epinefrin 50 µl ilave edilerek agregasyon süreci 10 dk takip edildi. Optik agregometrede epinefrine karşı gösterdikleri maksimum agregasyon cevaplarına göre cevapsız, yarıcevaplı ve normal olarak üç gruba ayrılan örnekler %14,7 cevap sız, %16,2 yarıcevaplı bulundu. Epinefrine azalan cevap; epinefrinle lag zamanının ...
Platelet activation is characterized by shape change, granule secretion, activation of fibrinogen re...
Dysfunkcje śródbłonka przyczyniają się do rozwoju wielu chorób cywilizacyjnych w tym nadciśnienia pł...
Úvod: Kyselina acetylsalicylová je pravděpodobně nejstarším a nejužívanějším lékem, který má nepochy...
Background: Hemostasis in human body depends on a complicated series of events which actively involv...
AIM: To investigate the mechanism (s) involved in the synergistic interaction of platelet activating...
Migren patogenezinde trombositlerin rolünü saptayabilmek amacıyla migrenli hastalarda trombosit agre...
Platelet hyperaggregability, including Sticky Platelet Syndrome has been identified as a cause of th...
<p>Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is the “gold standard” for platelet function assessment, bu...
AIM: The present study deals with the investigation of mechanisms involved in the synergistic intera...
Trombociti imaju značajnu ulogu u kardiovaskularnim bolestima, a u osoba s povišenim rizikom za razv...
Antiagregacijski (antitrombocitni) lijekovi posljednih se godina sve češće koriste u prevenciji i li...
Sticky platelet syndrome has been described as a hereditary thrombophilic condition. The aim of this...
BACKGROUND: Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is the most common method used in clinical and res...
PFA-100和INNOVANCE PFA-200血小板功能分析仪已被国外临床和科研工作者广泛使用.INNOVANCE PFA-200血小板功能分析仪是PFA-100血小板功能分析仪的升级版,在用户操...
Özlem Beydaş, Clinicopathological Correlation of Clinical Features with Platelet Function Tests in H...
Platelet activation is characterized by shape change, granule secretion, activation of fibrinogen re...
Dysfunkcje śródbłonka przyczyniają się do rozwoju wielu chorób cywilizacyjnych w tym nadciśnienia pł...
Úvod: Kyselina acetylsalicylová je pravděpodobně nejstarším a nejužívanějším lékem, který má nepochy...
Background: Hemostasis in human body depends on a complicated series of events which actively involv...
AIM: To investigate the mechanism (s) involved in the synergistic interaction of platelet activating...
Migren patogenezinde trombositlerin rolünü saptayabilmek amacıyla migrenli hastalarda trombosit agre...
Platelet hyperaggregability, including Sticky Platelet Syndrome has been identified as a cause of th...
<p>Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is the “gold standard” for platelet function assessment, bu...
AIM: The present study deals with the investigation of mechanisms involved in the synergistic intera...
Trombociti imaju značajnu ulogu u kardiovaskularnim bolestima, a u osoba s povišenim rizikom za razv...
Antiagregacijski (antitrombocitni) lijekovi posljednih se godina sve češće koriste u prevenciji i li...
Sticky platelet syndrome has been described as a hereditary thrombophilic condition. The aim of this...
BACKGROUND: Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is the most common method used in clinical and res...
PFA-100和INNOVANCE PFA-200血小板功能分析仪已被国外临床和科研工作者广泛使用.INNOVANCE PFA-200血小板功能分析仪是PFA-100血小板功能分析仪的升级版,在用户操...
Özlem Beydaş, Clinicopathological Correlation of Clinical Features with Platelet Function Tests in H...
Platelet activation is characterized by shape change, granule secretion, activation of fibrinogen re...
Dysfunkcje śródbłonka przyczyniają się do rozwoju wielu chorób cywilizacyjnych w tym nadciśnienia pł...
Úvod: Kyselina acetylsalicylová je pravděpodobně nejstarším a nejužívanějším lékem, který má nepochy...