Gebe kadınlarda meningioma görülme insidansı,normal kadın popülasyonuna göre daha düşüktür fakat gebelikte meningiomaya bağlı semptomlar artabilirler. 34 yaşında bayan hasta gebeliğinin onuncu haftasında; 4 haftadır sol gözünde başlayan görme kaybıyla başvurdu. Kranial MRI görüntülerinde; suprasellar sisterna ve sella içini doldurmuş, dural kuyruğu olan kitle lezyonu mevcuttu.Hasta operasyona alınarak, tuberkulum sella meningioması total çıkartıldı. İmmünohistokimyasal analizinde; meningioma hücrelerinin % 80 olarak progesteron reseptörü taşıdığı gösterildi. Tuberkulum sella meningiomalı gebe kadınlarda; pozitif progesteron reseptörüne ve hipofiz bezinin büyümesine bağlı olarak ani görme kaybı gerçekleşebilmektedir.The incidence of meningio...
Meningioma is among the most frequent brain tumours predominantly affecting elderly women. Epidemiol...
Visual loss in pregnancy may be caused by a variety of reasons including pituitary adenomas. Prolact...
A 29-year-old woman in the 17th week of pregnancy presented with blurred vision and visual impairmen...
A 43-yr-old woman presented to us 32 wk into her second pregnancy with a 2-wk history of progressive...
BACKGROUND: Tuberculum sella meningiomas typically present with progressive visual loss. It is also ...
A 37-year-old primigravida in her second trimester presented with bilateral painless progressive vis...
Although intra cranial tumors are a rare complication during the pregnancy, these tumors tend to be ...
Although meningiomas are known as slow-growing tumors, they can present accelerated growth pattern d...
Introduction: Meningioma is slow growing neoplasm cells that comes from arachnoid cap most common be...
Purpose: Meningioma is a benign tumor, more frequent in female population. During pregnancy, disting...
Meningiomas are known to be more common in females than males. They are also known in rare cases to ...
BACKGROUND: Dramatic growth of meningiomas is occasionally encountered during pregnancy. While cell ...
During pregnancy, tumors positive for estrogen or progesterone receptors undergo accelerated growth ...
Meningiomas are rare benign tumors during pregnancy. They can put both the mother and the fetus at r...
The tuberculum sellae meningiomas represent between 5-10% of intracranial meningiomas, most frequent...
Meningioma is among the most frequent brain tumours predominantly affecting elderly women. Epidemiol...
Visual loss in pregnancy may be caused by a variety of reasons including pituitary adenomas. Prolact...
A 29-year-old woman in the 17th week of pregnancy presented with blurred vision and visual impairmen...
A 43-yr-old woman presented to us 32 wk into her second pregnancy with a 2-wk history of progressive...
BACKGROUND: Tuberculum sella meningiomas typically present with progressive visual loss. It is also ...
A 37-year-old primigravida in her second trimester presented with bilateral painless progressive vis...
Although intra cranial tumors are a rare complication during the pregnancy, these tumors tend to be ...
Although meningiomas are known as slow-growing tumors, they can present accelerated growth pattern d...
Introduction: Meningioma is slow growing neoplasm cells that comes from arachnoid cap most common be...
Purpose: Meningioma is a benign tumor, more frequent in female population. During pregnancy, disting...
Meningiomas are known to be more common in females than males. They are also known in rare cases to ...
BACKGROUND: Dramatic growth of meningiomas is occasionally encountered during pregnancy. While cell ...
During pregnancy, tumors positive for estrogen or progesterone receptors undergo accelerated growth ...
Meningiomas are rare benign tumors during pregnancy. They can put both the mother and the fetus at r...
The tuberculum sellae meningiomas represent between 5-10% of intracranial meningiomas, most frequent...
Meningioma is among the most frequent brain tumours predominantly affecting elderly women. Epidemiol...
Visual loss in pregnancy may be caused by a variety of reasons including pituitary adenomas. Prolact...
A 29-year-old woman in the 17th week of pregnancy presented with blurred vision and visual impairmen...