Bu çalışmada endometriozise bağlı infertilite nedeni ile yardımcı üreme teknikleri kullanılan hastalarda gebeliği etkileyen prognostik faktörleri ve hastaların endometriozis fenotipine göre gebelik sonuçlarını araştırmayı planladık. Retrospektif olarak hasta dosyalarını inceleyerek yapılan bu çalışmaya toplam 156 hasta dahil edildi ve toplam 222 ICSI (intrasitoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu) siklusu incelendi. Hastalar yüzeyel endometriozis (YE), derin infiltratif endometriozis (DE) ve ovaryan endometrioma (OE) grubu olarak üç ana gruba ayrıldı. Her grubun demografik verileri, tedavi parametreleri, embriyoloji parametreleri ve gebelik sonuçları karşılaştırılıp fenotipe göre farklılık gösteren parametreler saptandı. Bulgularda tüm hastaların tran...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
Background: Endometriosis affects up to 30-40% of women seeking fertility treatment and is known to ...
UVOD: Neplodnost se definira kao bolest reproduktivnog sustava čije je glavno obilježje nemogućnost ...
Bu çalışmada endometriozise bağlı infertilite nedeni ile yardımcı üreme teknikleri kullanılan hastal...
BACKGROUND: Endometriosis has been described to impair fertility through various mechanisms. However...
Endometrioza je hronična bolest koja je zastupljena kod oko 10% žena u reproduktivnom periodu. Preva...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je ovog istraživanje utvrditi uspješnost medicinski potpomognute oplodnje u ...
WOS: 000331076700006PubMed ID: 24505952Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the reprod...
PubMed ID: 24505952Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the reproductive outcomes of p...
Endometriosis has been described to impair fertility through various mechanisms. However, studies ev...
OBJETIVO: análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos em mulheres portadoras de endometriose pélvica ...
Objectives: To evaluate the impact of pharmacological and surgical endometriosis treatment on IVF re...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
Background: Endometriosis affects up to 30-40% of women seeking fertility treatment and is known to ...
UVOD: Neplodnost se definira kao bolest reproduktivnog sustava čije je glavno obilježje nemogućnost ...
Bu çalışmada endometriozise bağlı infertilite nedeni ile yardımcı üreme teknikleri kullanılan hastal...
BACKGROUND: Endometriosis has been described to impair fertility through various mechanisms. However...
Endometrioza je hronična bolest koja je zastupljena kod oko 10% žena u reproduktivnom periodu. Preva...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je ovog istraživanje utvrditi uspješnost medicinski potpomognute oplodnje u ...
WOS: 000331076700006PubMed ID: 24505952Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the reprod...
PubMed ID: 24505952Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the reproductive outcomes of p...
Endometriosis has been described to impair fertility through various mechanisms. However, studies ev...
OBJETIVO: análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos em mulheres portadoras de endometriose pélvica ...
Objectives: To evaluate the impact of pharmacological and surgical endometriosis treatment on IVF re...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART)...
Background: Endometriosis affects up to 30-40% of women seeking fertility treatment and is known to ...
UVOD: Neplodnost se definira kao bolest reproduktivnog sustava čije je glavno obilježje nemogućnost ...