35. Ulusal Fizyoloji Kongresi’nde sunulmuştur.İntraserebroventriküler olarak uygulanan adrenomedüllinin (ADM) arteriyel kan basıncı ve kalp hızını yükseltici etkisinde sempatoadrenal sistemin ve santral nitrik oksit (NO)’nun rolü araştırıldı. Sıçanlara eter anestezisi altında, kan basıncı ölçümleri için sıçanların sağ femoral arterleri ve intraserebroventriküler enjeksiyonlar için sağ lateral ventrikülleri kanüle edildi. ADM’nin arteriyel kan basıncı ve kalp hızını yükseltici etkisinde sempatoadrenal sistemin rolünü belirlemek amacıyla, ADM verilmeden önce intravenöz α-adrenoseptör antagonisti fentolamin veya intravenöz β-adrenoseptör antagonisti propranolol; otonom ganglion blokajının rolünü belirlemek amacıyla ADM enjeksiyonundan önce int...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
The cardiac effects of adrenomedullin (AM) and proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) as wel...
Adrenomedullin is a 52-amino acid peptide that was first isolated from human pheochromocytoma. Subse...
Bu çalışmada intraserebroventriküler (i.c.v.) olarak enjekte edilen adrenomedüllin (ADM)’nin kan bas...
Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N =...
Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N =...
Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N =...
The cardiovascular system is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, the renin–angiotensin–aldost...
Summary The cardiovascular system is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, the renin–angiotensi...
背景 肾上腺髓质素2(AM2)是超降钙素/降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)家族的新成员.该家族已有成员包括降钙素基因相关肽、肾上腺髓质素(ADM)、降钙素和胰岛淀粉样多肽.目前研究结果表明,AM2参与了心...
In this work, we aimed to observe the changes in adrenomedullin (ADM) and its receptor-calcitonin re...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
Abstract Adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52-amino acid peptide which is produced in many tissues, including...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
The cardiac effects of adrenomedullin (AM) and proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) as wel...
Adrenomedullin is a 52-amino acid peptide that was first isolated from human pheochromocytoma. Subse...
Bu çalışmada intraserebroventriküler (i.c.v.) olarak enjekte edilen adrenomedüllin (ADM)’nin kan bas...
Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N =...
Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N =...
Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N =...
The cardiovascular system is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, the renin–angiotensin–aldost...
Summary The cardiovascular system is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, the renin–angiotensi...
背景 肾上腺髓质素2(AM2)是超降钙素/降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)家族的新成员.该家族已有成员包括降钙素基因相关肽、肾上腺髓质素(ADM)、降钙素和胰岛淀粉样多肽.目前研究结果表明,AM2参与了心...
In this work, we aimed to observe the changes in adrenomedullin (ADM) and its receptor-calcitonin re...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
Abstract Adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52-amino acid peptide which is produced in many tissues, including...
1The overall aim of this study was to determine if adrenomedullin (AM) protects against myocardial i...
The cardiac effects of adrenomedullin (AM) and proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) as wel...
Adrenomedullin is a 52-amino acid peptide that was first isolated from human pheochromocytoma. Subse...