Quantum sensors have emerged as a revolutionary technology that harnesses quantum phenomena to surpass the resolution of classical sensors. By leveraging the unique property of quantum particles to exist in superposition states, quantum sensors can be employed for interferometry, a highly precise measurement technique. Interferometers utilizing massive particles offer exceptional precision in measuring acceleration, rotation and time, making them highly relevant for navigation, geodesy and fundamental research. To enhance the sensitivity beyond classical limits and approach the fundamental Heisenberg limit, exploiting the quantum mechanical property of entanglement is crucial. Achieving interferometry close to the Heisenberg limit requires...
Quantum technologies exploit entanglement to revolutionize computing, measurements, and communicatio...
Quantum sensors based on coherent matter-waves are precise measurement devices whose ultimate accura...
The subject of this thesis is the use of BECs for atom interferometry. The standard way atom interfe...
Ultracold atomic ensembles represent a cornerstone of today’s modern quantum experiments. In particu...
Atom interferometers belong among today's most precise sensors and offer a broad range of possible m...
Hohe Datenerfassungsraten und rauscharme Detektion von ultrakalten neutralen Atomen stellen wichtige...
Matter-wave interferometry is a powerful tool for high-precision measurements of the quantum propert...
The analysis of entangled atomic ensembles and their application for interferometry beyond the stand...
Atom interferometers provide record precision in measurements of a broad range of physical quantitie...
Interferometry is the most precise measurement technique known today. It is based on interference an...
Entanglement lies at the core of emergent quantum technologies such as quantum-enhanced metrology, q...
Interferometry is a paradigm for most precision measurements. Using N uncorrelated particles, the ac...
We show that the inherently large interatomic interactions of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) can e...
Compared to light interferometers, the flux in cold-atom interferometers is low and the associated s...
According to quantum mechanics, the results of measurements performed on different systems can show ...
Quantum technologies exploit entanglement to revolutionize computing, measurements, and communicatio...
Quantum sensors based on coherent matter-waves are precise measurement devices whose ultimate accura...
The subject of this thesis is the use of BECs for atom interferometry. The standard way atom interfe...
Ultracold atomic ensembles represent a cornerstone of today’s modern quantum experiments. In particu...
Atom interferometers belong among today's most precise sensors and offer a broad range of possible m...
Hohe Datenerfassungsraten und rauscharme Detektion von ultrakalten neutralen Atomen stellen wichtige...
Matter-wave interferometry is a powerful tool for high-precision measurements of the quantum propert...
The analysis of entangled atomic ensembles and their application for interferometry beyond the stand...
Atom interferometers provide record precision in measurements of a broad range of physical quantitie...
Interferometry is the most precise measurement technique known today. It is based on interference an...
Entanglement lies at the core of emergent quantum technologies such as quantum-enhanced metrology, q...
Interferometry is a paradigm for most precision measurements. Using N uncorrelated particles, the ac...
We show that the inherently large interatomic interactions of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) can e...
Compared to light interferometers, the flux in cold-atom interferometers is low and the associated s...
According to quantum mechanics, the results of measurements performed on different systems can show ...
Quantum technologies exploit entanglement to revolutionize computing, measurements, and communicatio...
Quantum sensors based on coherent matter-waves are precise measurement devices whose ultimate accura...
The subject of this thesis is the use of BECs for atom interferometry. The standard way atom interfe...