Commerce, trade and business together with education have been the heart of Glasgow over the centuries. Glasgow played a central role in developing Scotland's trans-Atlantic commerce and trade- based economy with the development of the tobacco trade. As the 'second city of the empire' in the late 1800s it was, as Findlay (2011) notes, a central player in the first industrial revolution with its textile, mining, iron and shipping industries. Glasgow's leadership in the manufacture of ships, locomotives and heavy engineering reflected not only a highly skilled workforce, but equally a strong tradition of technological innovation and invention together allied to a strong financial and business services base. Through much of the 20th century Gl...
Since the 1990s, Glasgow has taken great effort to boost urban generation with architectural referen...
Over the last twenty years Glasgow's regeneration has been driven, not by strategy, but by projects....
Dans les années 1980, l'Écosse connaît un renouveau culturel. Cette décennie est une des plus produc...
Hosting a Mega Sporting Event in Glasgow, Scotland: 2014 was an exciting and challenging year for Gl...
With 2 million inhabitants, the conurbation around Glasgow is the largest and economically most impo...
From a city once at the heart of the industrial revolution to the crippling effects of the closure o...
Glasgow Harbour is a changing landscape. Heavy engineering once the stalwart of the area and especi...
Globally, cities are now the dominant locations for production, consumption and human settlement - a...
Similar problems can be identified in the rise, crisis, regeneration and planning of cities regardle...
Some 30 years after Glasgow turned towards regeneration, indicators of its built environment, its he...
Few European cities can claim to have experienced the same level of cultural transformation than Gla...
Glasgow, Scotland’s largest urban agglomeration and once celebrated as the British Empire’s Second C...
National audienceQuestioning the significance of the industrial heritage in the urban regeneration o...
Maps can tell much about a place that traditional histories fail to communicate. This lavishly illus...
Edinburgh and Glasgow are Scotland's foremost cities accounting for approximately one quarter of the...
Since the 1990s, Glasgow has taken great effort to boost urban generation with architectural referen...
Over the last twenty years Glasgow's regeneration has been driven, not by strategy, but by projects....
Dans les années 1980, l'Écosse connaît un renouveau culturel. Cette décennie est une des plus produc...
Hosting a Mega Sporting Event in Glasgow, Scotland: 2014 was an exciting and challenging year for Gl...
With 2 million inhabitants, the conurbation around Glasgow is the largest and economically most impo...
From a city once at the heart of the industrial revolution to the crippling effects of the closure o...
Glasgow Harbour is a changing landscape. Heavy engineering once the stalwart of the area and especi...
Globally, cities are now the dominant locations for production, consumption and human settlement - a...
Similar problems can be identified in the rise, crisis, regeneration and planning of cities regardle...
Some 30 years after Glasgow turned towards regeneration, indicators of its built environment, its he...
Few European cities can claim to have experienced the same level of cultural transformation than Gla...
Glasgow, Scotland’s largest urban agglomeration and once celebrated as the British Empire’s Second C...
National audienceQuestioning the significance of the industrial heritage in the urban regeneration o...
Maps can tell much about a place that traditional histories fail to communicate. This lavishly illus...
Edinburgh and Glasgow are Scotland's foremost cities accounting for approximately one quarter of the...
Since the 1990s, Glasgow has taken great effort to boost urban generation with architectural referen...
Over the last twenty years Glasgow's regeneration has been driven, not by strategy, but by projects....
Dans les années 1980, l'Écosse connaît un renouveau culturel. Cette décennie est une des plus produc...