2 FG song(s) , 4 FG song(s) , 2 FG song(s) , 4 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 4 FG song(s) ending time = 1104 h
1 G song(s) Pattern 4, 1 G song(s) Pattern 4, 2 G song(s) Pattern 4; ending time = 1000 h
FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , G song(s) , FG song(s) ending...
12 VG song(s) , 14 VG song(s) , 2 VG song(s) , 14 VG song(s) ending time = 0905 h
11 G song(s) , 5 G song(s) , 6 GV song(s) , 14 VG song(s) to playback, ending time = 0627 h
1 FG song(s) , song first incomplete, 2 FG song(s) , 2 FG song(s) ending time = 1148 h
1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(...
3 G song(s) , 5 G song(s) fourth incomplete, 1 G song(s) , 2 G song(s) , 10 G song(s) ending time = ...
1 G song(s) Pattern 4, 1 G song(s) Pattern 4, 2 G song(s) Pattern 4; ending time = 1000 h
FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , G song(s) , FG song(s) ending...
12 VG song(s) , 14 VG song(s) , 2 VG song(s) , 14 VG song(s) ending time = 0905 h
11 G song(s) , 5 G song(s) , 6 GV song(s) , 14 VG song(s) to playback, ending time = 0627 h
1 FG song(s) , song first incomplete, 2 FG song(s) , 2 FG song(s) ending time = 1148 h
1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(s) , 1 FG song(...
3 G song(s) , 5 G song(s) fourth incomplete, 1 G song(s) , 2 G song(s) , 10 G song(s) ending time = ...
1 G song(s) Pattern 4, 1 G song(s) Pattern 4, 2 G song(s) Pattern 4; ending time = 1000 h
FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , FG song(s) , G song(s) , FG song(s) ending...
12 VG song(s) , 14 VG song(s) , 2 VG song(s) , 14 VG song(s) ending time = 0905 h