The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and achieving win-win environmental – economic gains. A large and increasing literature has focused on the levers underlying EIs that are external to the firm, such as stakeholders’ pressure and policy pressure. Little attention, however, has been devoted so far to the possible role of local spatial spillovers which are one of the factors affecting sector/geographical specialisations. We analyse a rich dataset that covers the innovative activities and economic performances of firms in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, an area rich of manufacturing districts. We analyse EIs drivers and effects on firms’ performances through a two-step procedure...
The issue of environmental innovation and its effects on overall firm performance and competitivenes...
This paper investigates the relation between cooperation in innovation activities and innovation bef...
The issue of environmental innovation in district-oriented local productive system is particularly i...
The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and...
The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and...
The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and...
The achievement of positive Environmental Performance (EP) at national level could strongly depend o...
Technological innovation is a key factor for achieving better environmental performances. Its role i...
This paper investigates the forces correlated with environmental innovations (EIs) introduced by fir...
This paper investigates the forces correlated with environmental innovations (EIs) introduced by fir...
none3The achievement of positive Environmental Performance (EP) at national level could strongly dep...
Technological innovation is a key factor for achieving better environmental performances. Its role ...
The innovativeness of a firm not only improves its own survival chances but also can generate extern...
This paper investigates the drivers of the environmental innovations (EI) introduced by firms in loc...
The achievement of positive environmental performance at national level could strongly depend on dif...
The issue of environmental innovation and its effects on overall firm performance and competitivenes...
This paper investigates the relation between cooperation in innovation activities and innovation bef...
The issue of environmental innovation in district-oriented local productive system is particularly i...
The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and...
The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and...
The adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations (EIs) is crucial to greening the economy and...
The achievement of positive Environmental Performance (EP) at national level could strongly depend o...
Technological innovation is a key factor for achieving better environmental performances. Its role i...
This paper investigates the forces correlated with environmental innovations (EIs) introduced by fir...
This paper investigates the forces correlated with environmental innovations (EIs) introduced by fir...
none3The achievement of positive Environmental Performance (EP) at national level could strongly dep...
Technological innovation is a key factor for achieving better environmental performances. Its role ...
The innovativeness of a firm not only improves its own survival chances but also can generate extern...
This paper investigates the drivers of the environmental innovations (EI) introduced by firms in loc...
The achievement of positive environmental performance at national level could strongly depend on dif...
The issue of environmental innovation and its effects on overall firm performance and competitivenes...
This paper investigates the relation between cooperation in innovation activities and innovation bef...
The issue of environmental innovation in district-oriented local productive system is particularly i...