From late-night games of hide-and-seek to breakfast bagels, alumni give their fondest college moment...
When a celebrated columnist taught a May Term course on writing, it was his students who took him t...
A presentation on undergraduate research and its incorporation into the Illinois Wesleyan institutio...
To better understand Illinois Wesleyan’s culture and history, you can learn a lot by just looking ar...
Fall Festival activities introduce first-year students to campus and to each other
Ralph Townsend \u2753 writes about what it was like to have the University as a childhood playground
Illinois Wesleyan’s mathematics faculty open the minds of their students while relaxing fears about ...
You don\u27t have to be an anthropologist to let your curiosity about different ways of being in the...
From the classroom to the stage, School of Music professors express a passionate commitment to their...
Professor Nancy Sultan is among a generation of scholars who are bringing new life to the study of a...
A student and a young alumna share their stories of how attending Illinois Wesleyan has transformed ...
While learning about the inner workings of Greek tragedy can be intimidating, Nancy Sultan and Sara ...
In ways large and small, IWU staff members use their skills and experience to keep the University wo...
French, an astronomer by trade, is teaching a semester-long course this spring that focuses on the d...
Christopher Miles ’90 examines the visual impact of works by faculty of the School of Art
From late-night games of hide-and-seek to breakfast bagels, alumni give their fondest college moment...
When a celebrated columnist taught a May Term course on writing, it was his students who took him t...
A presentation on undergraduate research and its incorporation into the Illinois Wesleyan institutio...
To better understand Illinois Wesleyan’s culture and history, you can learn a lot by just looking ar...
Fall Festival activities introduce first-year students to campus and to each other
Ralph Townsend \u2753 writes about what it was like to have the University as a childhood playground
Illinois Wesleyan’s mathematics faculty open the minds of their students while relaxing fears about ...
You don\u27t have to be an anthropologist to let your curiosity about different ways of being in the...
From the classroom to the stage, School of Music professors express a passionate commitment to their...
Professor Nancy Sultan is among a generation of scholars who are bringing new life to the study of a...
A student and a young alumna share their stories of how attending Illinois Wesleyan has transformed ...
While learning about the inner workings of Greek tragedy can be intimidating, Nancy Sultan and Sara ...
In ways large and small, IWU staff members use their skills and experience to keep the University wo...
French, an astronomer by trade, is teaching a semester-long course this spring that focuses on the d...
Christopher Miles ’90 examines the visual impact of works by faculty of the School of Art
From late-night games of hide-and-seek to breakfast bagels, alumni give their fondest college moment...
When a celebrated columnist taught a May Term course on writing, it was his students who took him t...
A presentation on undergraduate research and its incorporation into the Illinois Wesleyan institutio...