An Unusual Behavior of the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Reaction with Addition of Bentonite Clays

  • Pagnacco, Maja
  • Maksimović, Jelena
  • Mudrinić, Tihana
  • Banković, Predrag
  • Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra
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Publication date
January 2021
Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society


The Briggs-Rauscher (BR) reaction is visually the most interesting oscillating reaction, in which the oxidation of malonic acid by a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and iodate is catalyzed by Mn2+metal ion in acidic solution. It is very sensitive to different analyte addition. Ordinarily,analyte addition causes the linear response of the BR oscillating system, which is used fordetermining the analyte’santioxidant/antiradicalor catalytic activity. In order to investigate the effects of different clay addition on BR oscillatory dynamics, bentonite clays from different deposits: Wyoming (Swy-2), Texas (STx-1b), Idaho (SbId-1), Arizona (SAz-2), Bogovina and Mečji Do, both from Serbia were applied. In the case of bentonite clays addition, the respo...

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