Osobine koje dostojan vladar mora imati mijenjale su se tijekom stoljeća, no neke su stvari ipak ostale iste. Razni filozofi, pa i sami vladari, pisali su djela namijenjena sadašnjim ili budućim vladarima, nazivanim i „ogledalima za vladara“. Uzimajući spise renesansnih filozofa koji su pisani o vladarima ili za njih, razmotrit ćemo i usporediti sličnosti i razlike tih spisa. Rad će prikazati, objasniti te kritički obraditi djela Niccola Machiavellija, Erazma Roterdamskog i Fausta Vrančića.The qualities that a worthy ruler must possess have changed over the centuries. However, some things have remained the same. Various philosophers, even the rulers themselves, wrote works intended for current or future rulers, also called "mirrors for the ...
Ancient works On Kingship have received a great deal of attention in recent scholarship, where the f...
Few books in the history of the world have had a stronger, more lasting, or more errant impact than ...
A common interpreting perception of Machiavelli’s thought is based on the paradox that state feasibi...
Bakalářská práce se primárně zabývá rozborem nejdůležitějších pojmů Machiavelliho filosofie v sociál...
The thesis deals with a comparison of the writings of Nicòllo Machiavelli's The Ruler and Erasmus of...
Autor razmatra oblike političke vlasti u renesansi i tipologiju tih oblika koju je dao Niccolo Machi...
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.In this paper I will look at development of republicanism in the Easter Adriat...
This thesis studies the reception of Aristotle's political thought in sixteenth-century Italy. It fo...
Machiavelli svog Vladara, klasik renesansne političke misli, započinje klasifikacijom postojećih drž...
Straipsnyje analizuojamas Nicollò Machiavelli’o veikale „Valdovas“ išsakytas daugiaprasmis požiūris ...
The present article aims to sketch a parallel between two works of political philosophy: the unfinis...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie i porównanie koncepcji władcy i władzy w dwóch traktatach...
The author looks into the forms of political government in the Renaissance, and the typology thereof...
In the genre of the-mirror-for-princes Erasmus Desiderius, Institutio Principi Christiani and Niccol...
Machiavelli as inspired by his age wants to open people’s awareness at present. He is shaped by the ...
Ancient works On Kingship have received a great deal of attention in recent scholarship, where the f...
Few books in the history of the world have had a stronger, more lasting, or more errant impact than ...
A common interpreting perception of Machiavelli’s thought is based on the paradox that state feasibi...
Bakalářská práce se primárně zabývá rozborem nejdůležitějších pojmů Machiavelliho filosofie v sociál...
The thesis deals with a comparison of the writings of Nicòllo Machiavelli's The Ruler and Erasmus of...
Autor razmatra oblike političke vlasti u renesansi i tipologiju tih oblika koju je dao Niccolo Machi...
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.In this paper I will look at development of republicanism in the Easter Adriat...
This thesis studies the reception of Aristotle's political thought in sixteenth-century Italy. It fo...
Machiavelli svog Vladara, klasik renesansne političke misli, započinje klasifikacijom postojećih drž...
Straipsnyje analizuojamas Nicollò Machiavelli’o veikale „Valdovas“ išsakytas daugiaprasmis požiūris ...
The present article aims to sketch a parallel between two works of political philosophy: the unfinis...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie i porównanie koncepcji władcy i władzy w dwóch traktatach...
The author looks into the forms of political government in the Renaissance, and the typology thereof...
In the genre of the-mirror-for-princes Erasmus Desiderius, Institutio Principi Christiani and Niccol...
Machiavelli as inspired by his age wants to open people’s awareness at present. He is shaped by the ...
Ancient works On Kingship have received a great deal of attention in recent scholarship, where the f...
Few books in the history of the world have had a stronger, more lasting, or more errant impact than ...
A common interpreting perception of Machiavelli’s thought is based on the paradox that state feasibi...