琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成19年度成果発表会(平成20年3月1日開催) 招待講演会会場:理系複号棟102号室,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学50周年記念館1
Coral reef degradation often involves a phase shift from coral- to macroalgal-dominated reefs. Decli...
Despite widespread acceptance of the negative effects of macroalgae on corals, very few studies have...
Reef-building corals form an obligate symbiosis with photosynthetic microalgae in the family Symbiod...
琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成20年度成果発表会(平成21年3月14日開催) 講演・特別講演会場:理系複号棟102号室,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学50周年...
Coral reefs around the world have suffered devastating losses of reef building corals with a concomi...
Competition between hard corals and macroalgae is important to the overall status of coral reefs, es...
Turf algae are becoming more abundant on coral reefs worldwide, but their effects on other benthic o...
Despite widespread acceptance that competition between scleractinian corals and benthic algae is imp...
Many ecosystem services and functions provided by coral reefs have been compromised worldwide becaus...
Community-level resilience depends on the interaction between multiple populations that vary in indi...
Many ecosystem services and functions provided by coral reefs have been compromised worldwide becaus...
Tropical reefs are in global decline with seaweeds commonly replacing corals. Negative associations ...
<p>Globally, tropical coral reefs are being degraded by human activities, and as a result, reef-buil...
1.Ecological communities are subjected to multiple anthropogenic stressors at both global and local ...
琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成19年度成果発表会(平成20年3月1日開催) 招待講演会会場:理系複号棟102号室,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学50周年記念館...
Coral reef degradation often involves a phase shift from coral- to macroalgal-dominated reefs. Decli...
Despite widespread acceptance of the negative effects of macroalgae on corals, very few studies have...
Reef-building corals form an obligate symbiosis with photosynthetic microalgae in the family Symbiod...
琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成20年度成果発表会(平成21年3月14日開催) 講演・特別講演会場:理系複号棟102号室,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学50周年...
Coral reefs around the world have suffered devastating losses of reef building corals with a concomi...
Competition between hard corals and macroalgae is important to the overall status of coral reefs, es...
Turf algae are becoming more abundant on coral reefs worldwide, but their effects on other benthic o...
Despite widespread acceptance that competition between scleractinian corals and benthic algae is imp...
Many ecosystem services and functions provided by coral reefs have been compromised worldwide becaus...
Community-level resilience depends on the interaction between multiple populations that vary in indi...
Many ecosystem services and functions provided by coral reefs have been compromised worldwide becaus...
Tropical reefs are in global decline with seaweeds commonly replacing corals. Negative associations ...
<p>Globally, tropical coral reefs are being degraded by human activities, and as a result, reef-buil...
1.Ecological communities are subjected to multiple anthropogenic stressors at both global and local ...
琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成19年度成果発表会(平成20年3月1日開催) 招待講演会会場:理系複号棟102号室,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学50周年記念館...
Coral reef degradation often involves a phase shift from coral- to macroalgal-dominated reefs. Decli...
Despite widespread acceptance of the negative effects of macroalgae on corals, very few studies have...
Reef-building corals form an obligate symbiosis with photosynthetic microalgae in the family Symbiod...