クワの優良品種Tai-Song No.2とNo.3について, さし木繁殖を向上させる目的で行なったものである。本実験では当年生の萠芽枝を用いて, さし穂の特性別, さし付用土別, 薬剤処理別に, ガラス室内に設置されたミストボックスを利用して, 1981年9月4日さし付け, 1981年11月4日掘取り調査を行なった。実験の結果, Tai-Song No.3はNo.2より発根率においてすぐれていた。また, 無着葉木質枝を長さ15cmに穂ごしらえしたさし穂は, その他の部分から採穂したさし穂より発根率はすぐれていた。用土別の発根率は, バーミキュライト, 鹿沼土, 海砂および林床土の順位を示した。更に薬剤処理区は対照区より発根, 生長ともにすぐれていた。特にルートン処理は好結果を示した。その他, 新梢長, 葉数, 根長についても測定した。This study was carried out as the preliminary test in the cuttings of the Mulberry (Morus australis Poir.) cultivar, Tai-Song No. 2 and No. 3 for the purpose of promoting vegetative propagation by cuttings. These experiments made on the cuttings of both green branches and woody branches sprouting in 1981. On the preparation of the cuttings, the leafless woody branches were cu...
The results of investigation on seed propagation of five species of Corylus L.: C. colurna L., C. se...
Morus genus includes more than 20 species, some of which are commercially important mulberries with ...
提早柑桔果實成熟期為目的,觀察酸桔、廣東檸檬及枳殼等不同砧木椪柑之生理的花芽分化時期並鏡檢形態的花芽分化時期及其發達過程。結果如下: (1)不拘採用何種砧木,11月上旬以前環狀剝皮者翌春之着花數均特多...
Page(s):11 (2), 271-282, 19 Ref.The aim of this study was to develop vegetative propagation by stem ...
Nine mulberry varieties along with one check variety M5 were field tested at Bethamangala village of...
Although, mulberry plants are grown in Australia as ornamentals or fruit, there are no data availabl...
In the vegetative propagation with aterminal cutting in Chrysanthemum morifolium \u27Ki-Amagahara\u2...
The historical aspects of origin, distribution, introduction and usage of Morus L. species are given...
博士(農学)信州大学博士(農学)・学位論文・平成24年3月20日授与(甲第34号)・CHUMCHUEN SUKUNYAThesisCHUMCHUEN SUKUNYA. Analysis of Gene...
The investigation results concerning the effect of agrobiological methods on regenerative ability of...
Diversification of mulberry (Morus indica var. S36), a vegetatively propagated tree specie
Objetivou-se estudar técnicas de formação de mudas de amoreira com diferentes tamanhos de estacas e ...
桑新系統「R1」は, 土質が悪い上に肥培管理が必ずしも十分でなくて, 気温が20℃以下に下がる冬期(12月-2月)を経過する場合でも, その交雑親木の両品種よりも生長が旺盛であった。さらにR1は季節風...
Micropropagated and stem cutting derived plants of Mulberry (Morus indica L. cv. S-36) were transfe...
Bu çalışmada karadutun in vitro çoğaltım olanakları değerlendirilmiştir. Eksplant olarak karadutun (...
The results of investigation on seed propagation of five species of Corylus L.: C. colurna L., C. se...
Morus genus includes more than 20 species, some of which are commercially important mulberries with ...
提早柑桔果實成熟期為目的,觀察酸桔、廣東檸檬及枳殼等不同砧木椪柑之生理的花芽分化時期並鏡檢形態的花芽分化時期及其發達過程。結果如下: (1)不拘採用何種砧木,11月上旬以前環狀剝皮者翌春之着花數均特多...
Page(s):11 (2), 271-282, 19 Ref.The aim of this study was to develop vegetative propagation by stem ...
Nine mulberry varieties along with one check variety M5 were field tested at Bethamangala village of...
Although, mulberry plants are grown in Australia as ornamentals or fruit, there are no data availabl...
In the vegetative propagation with aterminal cutting in Chrysanthemum morifolium \u27Ki-Amagahara\u2...
The historical aspects of origin, distribution, introduction and usage of Morus L. species are given...
博士(農学)信州大学博士(農学)・学位論文・平成24年3月20日授与(甲第34号)・CHUMCHUEN SUKUNYAThesisCHUMCHUEN SUKUNYA. Analysis of Gene...
The investigation results concerning the effect of agrobiological methods on regenerative ability of...
Diversification of mulberry (Morus indica var. S36), a vegetatively propagated tree specie
Objetivou-se estudar técnicas de formação de mudas de amoreira com diferentes tamanhos de estacas e ...
桑新系統「R1」は, 土質が悪い上に肥培管理が必ずしも十分でなくて, 気温が20℃以下に下がる冬期(12月-2月)を経過する場合でも, その交雑親木の両品種よりも生長が旺盛であった。さらにR1は季節風...
Micropropagated and stem cutting derived plants of Mulberry (Morus indica L. cv. S-36) were transfe...
Bu çalışmada karadutun in vitro çoğaltım olanakları değerlendirilmiştir. Eksplant olarak karadutun (...
The results of investigation on seed propagation of five species of Corylus L.: C. colurna L., C. se...
Morus genus includes more than 20 species, some of which are commercially important mulberries with ...
提早柑桔果實成熟期為目的,觀察酸桔、廣東檸檬及枳殼等不同砧木椪柑之生理的花芽分化時期並鏡檢形態的花芽分化時期及其發達過程。結果如下: (1)不拘採用何種砧木,11月上旬以前環狀剝皮者翌春之着花數均特多...