マングローブ林が, 自然環境の一つとして存在する事ではたしていると考えられる, 種々の防災機能について検討した。自然現象と人間の営為との間で生ずる災害と, マングローブ林のかかわりを, 防災という視点から整理し, 図示した。ヤエヤマヒルギ(Rhizophora stylosa)の根系のある種の模型を用いて, その流れに与える影響について, 予備的水理実験を行った。その結果, おおよそ次の事が明らかになった。1.根系の影響を受けている範囲は, 根系の形をよく反映している事から, 根系は, その低抗性と, 全体の形状とで, 強く流れに影響を与える。2.根系内では, 流速が著しく減少し, 周囲に流速の増加する部分ができ, 流れを大きく二分する。3.根系の下流では, 徐々に元の流れの状態に復するが, 下流側に, 根系の範囲の2.5倍のところでも根系の影響は残る。The relations between the existence of mangrove forest as a natural environment and its protective functions were examined. The pretective functions of mangrove forest were described from relate the viewpoint of how to with the connection between the human works and the natural phenomenons. On the effects of the root system of Rhizophora stylosa against the flow, a ...
Trees are resources that provide multiple benefits, such as the conservation of fauna, both terrestr...
Coastal ecosystems such as mangroves fringing tropical coastlines have been recognized as natural pr...
Trees are resources that provide multiple benefits, such as the conservation of fauna, both terrestr...
1978年10月, 長崎大学水産学部のソロモン諸島学術調査隊の一員として, ソロモン諸島を訪れる機会を得た。諸島の沿岸, 汽水域には, 旺盛に繁茂するマングローブ林が随所に見られるが, マライタ島中部...
Mangroves itself is a unique ecosystem which requires special attention and management. Its location...
This project is to research the effectiveness of mangroves plant to act as a coastal protection. Af...
外来植物入侵对生态系统碳过程的影响已经成为入侵生态学研究的热点问题.采用比较研究的方法分析了薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)入侵对深圳湾红树林生态系统碳储量的影响,分别设置红...
Mangroves are an interesting species of vegetation, surviving and thriving at the interface of land ...
In year 2013, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia indicates that 29% or 1,394 km out ...
Mangrove ecosystem is one of the ecosystem that many people take it for granted due to lack of knowl...
Being a scientific society with a vested interest in the protection and restoration of mangroves\ud ...
红树林生境具有高盐、水淹低氧等特征,红树植物对高盐、水淹生境的适应性决定了其可以成功定植并占据相应的潮间带.红树植物可以通过各种机制耐受、抵抗或; 避免高盐、水淹,在海岸潮间带下生存.在生理及分子水平...
Mangroves are able to attenuate tsunamis, storm surges, and waves. Their protective function against...
Trees are resources that provide multiple benefits, such as the conservation of fauna, both terrestr...
Coastal ecosystems such as mangroves fringing tropical coastlines have been recognized as natural pr...
Trees are resources that provide multiple benefits, such as the conservation of fauna, both terrestr...
1978年10月, 長崎大学水産学部のソロモン諸島学術調査隊の一員として, ソロモン諸島を訪れる機会を得た。諸島の沿岸, 汽水域には, 旺盛に繁茂するマングローブ林が随所に見られるが, マライタ島中部...
Mangroves itself is a unique ecosystem which requires special attention and management. Its location...
This project is to research the effectiveness of mangroves plant to act as a coastal protection. Af...
外来植物入侵对生态系统碳过程的影响已经成为入侵生态学研究的热点问题.采用比较研究的方法分析了薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)入侵对深圳湾红树林生态系统碳储量的影响,分别设置红...
Mangroves are an interesting species of vegetation, surviving and thriving at the interface of land ...
In year 2013, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia indicates that 29% or 1,394 km out ...
Mangrove ecosystem is one of the ecosystem that many people take it for granted due to lack of knowl...
Being a scientific society with a vested interest in the protection and restoration of mangroves\ud ...
红树林生境具有高盐、水淹低氧等特征,红树植物对高盐、水淹生境的适应性决定了其可以成功定植并占据相应的潮间带.红树植物可以通过各种机制耐受、抵抗或; 避免高盐、水淹,在海岸潮间带下生存.在生理及分子水平...
Mangroves are able to attenuate tsunamis, storm surges, and waves. Their protective function against...
Trees are resources that provide multiple benefits, such as the conservation of fauna, both terrestr...
Coastal ecosystems such as mangroves fringing tropical coastlines have been recognized as natural pr...
Trees are resources that provide multiple benefits, such as the conservation of fauna, both terrestr...