The Charaka Samhita, a renowned treatise in the field of traditional medicine, possesses a substantial wealth of knowledge. The 4th chapter of Sutra Sthana in Charaka Samhita, titled "Shad Virechana Shatashriteeya," provides a detailed exposition by Acharya on the subject of 50 Mahakashaya or Dashemani. These groups consist of ten plants each, demonstrating a shared pharmacological activity. One such group is the Sandhaniya Mahakashaya, commonly referred to as the Unifying medicine. The constituents of the formulation include Madhuyashthi, Guduchi, Prishniparni, Patha, Lajjalu, Mocharasa, Dhataki, Lodhra, Priyangu, and Katphala. It is widely acknowledged that certain plants possess the ability to naturally heal wounds. Hence, this conventio...