[出版社版]はじめに 1. 長期経営行動 2. 事業拡大と再建計画 (1) 昭和50年代の事業拡大とリストラ (2) バブル期前後の再拡大 (3) 銀行取引体制について (4) バブル後の事業再生について 3. 収支と財政面からみた業績推移と再建計画の検討 おわり
1990년 거품이 붕괴한 이후 일본경제의 정체가 장기화되고 있다. 최근의 아베노믹스도 일본은행의 신용 확대에 의해 엔저, 주식가격 상승 등을 만들어내기는 했으나 경제 전체의 활성화...
第1章 はじめに 第2章 企業財務の基本 第3章 事業会社セクターの貸借対照表の問題点 第4章 事業会社セクターのフローの問題点 第5章 バブル崩壊の影響と解決への方向性 第6章 財政投融資における公...
Japan is in the process of a profound economic and business transformation, which has been underway ...
第1章 はじめに 第2章 バブルの発生・崩壊と日本の貸借対照表への影響 第3章 新SNA貸借対照表 第4章 日本の財務再構築の方向性国民経済計算のストックをフローデータからできるだけ民間企業の貸借対照...
Japanese Consumer Cooperatives have sustainable increase of the number of members and share Capital ...
This paper deals with the effects and results of the much discussed and maligned reform steps taken ...
Burst of the economic bubble of Japan urged the globalization on a Japanese society at the same time...
After the collapse of the bubble economy, problems of bad loans have been the biggest issue in the J...
In the height of bubble economy during and shortly after the WWI, many new companies were establishe...
Technological breakthroughs in information technologies and communications are transforming the econ...
The Japanese economy has suffered a severe recession for ten years since a burst of bubble in land a...
[[abstract]]日本在高度經濟成長時期 ⎾日本式經營⏌為成功主要關鍵因素之一、往往歸功於“ 終身雇用制 ”的經營。 由於安定的雇用制度使得員工可以放心且努力於工作上直到退休。而且公司對於從業人...
1990년 거품이 붕괴한 이후 일본경제의 정체가 장기화되고 있다. 최근의 아베노믹스도 일본은행의 신용 확대에 의해 엔저, 주식가격 상승 등을 만들어내기는 했으나 경제 전체의 활성화...
第1章 はじめに 第2章 企業財務の基本 第3章 事業会社セクターの貸借対照表の問題点 第4章 事業会社セクターのフローの問題点 第5章 バブル崩壊の影響と解決への方向性 第6章 財政投融資における公...
Japan is in the process of a profound economic and business transformation, which has been underway ...
第1章 はじめに 第2章 バブルの発生・崩壊と日本の貸借対照表への影響 第3章 新SNA貸借対照表 第4章 日本の財務再構築の方向性国民経済計算のストックをフローデータからできるだけ民間企業の貸借対照...
Japanese Consumer Cooperatives have sustainable increase of the number of members and share Capital ...
This paper deals with the effects and results of the much discussed and maligned reform steps taken ...
Burst of the economic bubble of Japan urged the globalization on a Japanese society at the same time...
After the collapse of the bubble economy, problems of bad loans have been the biggest issue in the J...
In the height of bubble economy during and shortly after the WWI, many new companies were establishe...
Technological breakthroughs in information technologies and communications are transforming the econ...
The Japanese economy has suffered a severe recession for ten years since a burst of bubble in land a...
[[abstract]]日本在高度經濟成長時期 ⎾日本式經營⏌為成功主要關鍵因素之一、往往歸功於“ 終身雇用制 ”的經營。 由於安定的雇用制度使得員工可以放心且努力於工作上直到退休。而且公司對於從業人...
1990년 거품이 붕괴한 이후 일본경제의 정체가 장기화되고 있다. 최근의 아베노믹스도 일본은행의 신용 확대에 의해 엔저, 주식가격 상승 등을 만들어내기는 했으나 경제 전체의 활성화...
第1章 はじめに 第2章 企業財務の基本 第3章 事業会社セクターの貸借対照表の問題点 第4章 事業会社セクターのフローの問題点 第5章 バブル崩壊の影響と解決への方向性 第6章 財政投融資における公...
Japan is in the process of a profound economic and business transformation, which has been underway ...