This study was designed to compare the physical egg quality of 4 Bhutanese indigenous chickens (BIC) namely Seim (SM), Phulom (PL), Khuilay (KL) and Yuebjha Narp (YN) with Hyline Brown (HL). A total of 160 eggs were collected to represent the sample size. The BIC egg shell colour varied from white to brownish however, egg shells with cream (51.50%) and white colour (33.00%) were considerably common. The overall mean egg weight in BIC was 47.44g with the lowest for SM (45.95g) and highest for PL (50.35g). Mean egg weight and volume (43.60±6.35) of BIC eggs were comparatively lower than Hyline Brown. The egg phenotype and correspondingly the crushing strength of five populations increased from YN < SM < KL < PL < HL. The specific gravity was ...
Records obtained from purebred normal feather and naked neck Nigerian indigenous chicken strains wer...
Abstract— The aim of this study was to characterize indigenous chicken eggs and create an inventory ...
This study aims to determine the characterization and comparative test of exterior and interior qual...
Assessment of village chicken egg quality parameters were conducted in two agro-ecology and eight ru...
Not AvailableThe data on egg quality traits of 198 eggs from 56 Aseel hens at different ages i.e. 32...
This experiment was conducted using five chicken genotypes, comprising three Nigerian local (The nor...
Indigenous chickens were evaluated for their egg production, growth performances, and external and i...
The study was conducted to evaluate the egg production performance and egg quality traits of Noiler ...
A study was undertaken at Sokoine University of Agriculture to investigate the influence of shank co...
Egg weight, component weights, yolk and albumen indices and Haugh units of a sample of 84 eggs of I...
Abstract: The present study was conducted to evaluate production performance and egg quality of four...
The present study was conducted to evaluate some parameters of external and internal egg quality of ...
Not AvailableThe objective of the present study was to evaluate/compare the sensory attributes of eg...
were studied for detection of maturity live weight and egg characteristics. The (BN) average live we...
Egg characteristics such as egg size and egg quality affect the hatchability rate of chicken eggs. T...
Records obtained from purebred normal feather and naked neck Nigerian indigenous chicken strains wer...
Abstract— The aim of this study was to characterize indigenous chicken eggs and create an inventory ...
This study aims to determine the characterization and comparative test of exterior and interior qual...
Assessment of village chicken egg quality parameters were conducted in two agro-ecology and eight ru...
Not AvailableThe data on egg quality traits of 198 eggs from 56 Aseel hens at different ages i.e. 32...
This experiment was conducted using five chicken genotypes, comprising three Nigerian local (The nor...
Indigenous chickens were evaluated for their egg production, growth performances, and external and i...
The study was conducted to evaluate the egg production performance and egg quality traits of Noiler ...
A study was undertaken at Sokoine University of Agriculture to investigate the influence of shank co...
Egg weight, component weights, yolk and albumen indices and Haugh units of a sample of 84 eggs of I...
Abstract: The present study was conducted to evaluate production performance and egg quality of four...
The present study was conducted to evaluate some parameters of external and internal egg quality of ...
Not AvailableThe objective of the present study was to evaluate/compare the sensory attributes of eg...
were studied for detection of maturity live weight and egg characteristics. The (BN) average live we...
Egg characteristics such as egg size and egg quality affect the hatchability rate of chicken eggs. T...
Records obtained from purebred normal feather and naked neck Nigerian indigenous chicken strains wer...
Abstract— The aim of this study was to characterize indigenous chicken eggs and create an inventory ...
This study aims to determine the characterization and comparative test of exterior and interior qual...