Many cyclone detection and tracking methods (CDTMs) have been developed in the past to study the climatology of extratropical cyclones. However, all CDTMs have different approaches in defining and tracking cyclone centers. This naturally leads to cyclone track climatologies with inconsistent physical characteristics. More than that, it is typical for CDTMs to produce a non-negligible number of tracks of weak atmospheric features, which do not correspond to large-scale or mesoscale vortices and can differ significantly between CDTMs. Lack of consensus in CDTM outputs and the inclusion of significant numbers of uncertain tracks therein have long prohibited the production of a commonly accepted reference dataset of extratropical cyclone tracks...
A probabilistic clustering technique is developed for classification of wintertime extratropical cyc...
The generation of cyclone climatologies has recently received a renewed interest. Cyclones are close...
This work aims to analyze and compare ERA5 and CFSR/CFSv2 from 1979 to 2019 with 1-hourly outputs, r...
Many cyclone detection and tracking methods (CDTMs) have been developed in the past to study the cli...
The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track ...
The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track ...
This study focuses on developing a new Cyclone Detection and Tracking Method (CDTM) to take advantag...
The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track ...
The present dataset presents the trajectories of the 13,157 cyclones identified within the Mediterra...
Accurately determining extratropical cyclone paths can help one to anticipate and understand the reg...
This cyclone database was developed mainly to support oceanography and ocean engineering studies. ...
In this study, hemispheric climatologies of explosive cyclones (ECs) derived using a set of differen...
The applicability of three different cyclone detection and tracking schemes is investigated with rea...
The variability of cyclone activity at interannual and decadal-to-multidecadal time-scales is examin...
International audienceWith the advent of regional climate modelling, there are high-resolution data ...
A probabilistic clustering technique is developed for classification of wintertime extratropical cyc...
The generation of cyclone climatologies has recently received a renewed interest. Cyclones are close...
This work aims to analyze and compare ERA5 and CFSR/CFSv2 from 1979 to 2019 with 1-hourly outputs, r...
Many cyclone detection and tracking methods (CDTMs) have been developed in the past to study the cli...
The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track ...
The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track ...
This study focuses on developing a new Cyclone Detection and Tracking Method (CDTM) to take advantag...
The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track ...
The present dataset presents the trajectories of the 13,157 cyclones identified within the Mediterra...
Accurately determining extratropical cyclone paths can help one to anticipate and understand the reg...
This cyclone database was developed mainly to support oceanography and ocean engineering studies. ...
In this study, hemispheric climatologies of explosive cyclones (ECs) derived using a set of differen...
The applicability of three different cyclone detection and tracking schemes is investigated with rea...
The variability of cyclone activity at interannual and decadal-to-multidecadal time-scales is examin...
International audienceWith the advent of regional climate modelling, there are high-resolution data ...
A probabilistic clustering technique is developed for classification of wintertime extratropical cyc...
The generation of cyclone climatologies has recently received a renewed interest. Cyclones are close...
This work aims to analyze and compare ERA5 and CFSR/CFSv2 from 1979 to 2019 with 1-hourly outputs, r...