論説(Article)本稿は,1940年代末から50年代にかけての米墨両国政府の移民・国境警備政策およびテキサスからの反応について論じた。メキシコ人非合法移民の流入を抑えるため,米墨両国はメキシコ人短期移民労働者の雇用を同州の農場経営者に促す一方で,米国移民帰化局は1954年に大規模な非合法移民の送還を実施した。1950年代後半には,短期移民労働者プログラムの拡充と国境警備の強化を両輪とする両国合同の政策枠組みにテキサスは完全に組み込まれたのである。This paper examines immigration and border control policies of Mexico and the United States from the late 1940s to the 1950s as well as reactions from Texas to such policies. While the United States and Mexico encouraged Texan growers to employ temporary workers from Mexico instead of undocumented workers, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service initiated mass deportations of undocumented immigrants in the mid-50s. By the late 1950s, Texas was fully incorporated into the binational policy framework, which was ...