本稿はエゼキエル書40-48章に記されるエゼキエルの律法に対してモーセの律法との比較からその特徴を抽出し、コンテキストと合わせて考察を行う。その比較からエゼキエルの律法は「祭司的規定の幾つかのトピックの改訂版」と理解されるが、コンテキストからの考察によればそれは宇宙発生的な文脈から捉えられるべきものである。それは「再活性化運動」によってもたらされる「新しい文化的統一体」として理解されることが適当であり、エゼキエル書全体をエゼキエルの内的創造過程として理解する筆者の主張と合致する。In this article, the particularity of the Torah of Ezekiel, which is contained in the Book of Ezekiel chap.40-48, is investigated by comparison with the Mosaic Torah and considered from the context of Ezekiel within its Book. Through that comparison, the Torah of Ezekiel is regarded as the revised version of priestly rule in some topics, ; however, it is not just a partial revision or re-interpretation, but a cosmogonic one through consideration of chap.40-48. Consequently, the Torah of Ezekiel should ...
Ezekiel 36:24-28 is an important passage both for the original audience and for modern day Christian...
The rapid changes in society today have caused many a leader in different environments to admit that...
This thesis delves into the controversy surrounding the presence of animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-...
The book of Ezekiel may be effectively understood in terms of Jeffrey Alexander’s theory of cultura...
В современном обществе образ пророка, в частности Моисея, вызывает в сознании украинского народа ува...
Kontekstem badań było to, że różni komentatorzy proponują różne struktury badanego tekstu. Celem bad...
There is no consensus on why Ezekiel 20 differs so strongly from the other historical traditions and...
Kontekstem badań było stwierdzenie, że różni komentatorzy Księgi Ezechiela proponują różne struktury...
CITATION: Biwul, J. K. T. 2019. The restoration of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14 : an exegetical ...
Ezekiel 36:24-28 is an important passage both for the original audience and for modern day Christian...
The rapid changes in society today have caused many a leader in different environments to admit that...
This thesis delves into the controversy surrounding the presence of animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-...
The book of Ezekiel may be effectively understood in terms of Jeffrey Alexander’s theory of cultura...
В современном обществе образ пророка, в частности Моисея, вызывает в сознании украинского народа ува...
Kontekstem badań było to, że różni komentatorzy proponują różne struktury badanego tekstu. Celem bad...
There is no consensus on why Ezekiel 20 differs so strongly from the other historical traditions and...
Kontekstem badań było stwierdzenie, że różni komentatorzy Księgi Ezechiela proponują różne struktury...
CITATION: Biwul, J. K. T. 2019. The restoration of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14 : an exegetical ...
Ezekiel 36:24-28 is an important passage both for the original audience and for modern day Christian...
The rapid changes in society today have caused many a leader in different environments to admit that...
This thesis delves into the controversy surrounding the presence of animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-...