Introduction: Ankle sprains are common in sports and the general population. Although considered innocuous, a large proportion has residual complaints such as recurrent ankle sprains and develop chronic ankle instability. Although some predicting factors are identified, there is no unequivocality regarding the development of chronic ankle instability, nor about the optimal rehabilitation for an acute ankle sprain. Alongside the biomechanical impairments, ankle sprains are a burden on society due to substantial economic costs. Therefore, we aim to identify key clinical predictors of chronic ankle instability or recovery after acute lateral ankle sprain. Additionally, we aim to determine cost-of-illness of patients who developed chronic ankle...
Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury and can lead to long-term deficits. Patient-reported...
Ankle sprains are common in daily life and often considered to be minor injuries. The objective i...
Lateral ankle sprains are the most common injury in athletics (Denegar & Miller, 2002; Ekstrand & Tr...
Background: Impairments in motor control may predicate the paradigm of chronic ankle instability (CA...
Background: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common result of an ankle sprain. Even though early...
Abstract Background Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common result of an ankle sprain. Even thou...
SummaryAnkle sprains are the most common injuries sustained during sports activities. Most ankle spr...
Objectives: To identify the predictors of chronic ankle instability after an index lateral ankle spr...
Ankle sprains are not only among the most common sport-related injuries, but also associated with a ...
Background: Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries, accounting for up to ...
BACKGROUND: One-third of individuals who sustain an acute lateral ankle ligament sprain suffer signi...
While research on chronic ankle instability (CAI) and awareness of its impact on society and health ...
Background: Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are among the most common sports-related injuries and the re...
Abstract Background The lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is one of the most common injuries in everyday an...
Background. One-third of individuals who sustain an acute lateral ankle ligament sprain suffer signi...
Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury and can lead to long-term deficits. Patient-reported...
Ankle sprains are common in daily life and often considered to be minor injuries. The objective i...
Lateral ankle sprains are the most common injury in athletics (Denegar & Miller, 2002; Ekstrand & Tr...
Background: Impairments in motor control may predicate the paradigm of chronic ankle instability (CA...
Background: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common result of an ankle sprain. Even though early...
Abstract Background Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common result of an ankle sprain. Even thou...
SummaryAnkle sprains are the most common injuries sustained during sports activities. Most ankle spr...
Objectives: To identify the predictors of chronic ankle instability after an index lateral ankle spr...
Ankle sprains are not only among the most common sport-related injuries, but also associated with a ...
Background: Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries, accounting for up to ...
BACKGROUND: One-third of individuals who sustain an acute lateral ankle ligament sprain suffer signi...
While research on chronic ankle instability (CAI) and awareness of its impact on society and health ...
Background: Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are among the most common sports-related injuries and the re...
Abstract Background The lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is one of the most common injuries in everyday an...
Background. One-third of individuals who sustain an acute lateral ankle ligament sprain suffer signi...
Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury and can lead to long-term deficits. Patient-reported...
Ankle sprains are common in daily life and often considered to be minor injuries. The objective i...
Lateral ankle sprains are the most common injury in athletics (Denegar & Miller, 2002; Ekstrand & Tr...