Pengelolaan sampah merupakan permasalahan yang dialami oleh Desa Sukaharja. Permasalahan ini menunjukkan perlunya dilakukan kegiatan edukasi kepada ibu rumah tangga dan penggerak lingkungan hidup (PLH) tentang pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga. Cara-cara pengolahan sampah yang dapat dilakukan adalah ekoenzim dan pupuk organik cair (POC). Adanya kegiatan tersebut diharapkan dapat membentuk kesadaran masyarakat Desa Sukaharja tentang pengelolaan sampah yang optimal. Tim KKN-T Inovasi IPB terlibat dalam pemanfaatan limbah organik di Desa Sukaharja dengan menerapkan pendekatan teknik pengembangan masyarakat (community development). Pendekatan ini melibatkan berbagai kegiatan seperti sosialisasi, pelatihan, difusi iptek, dan pendampingan. Seluruh ...
One of the problems faced by the people of Sijambi village is the increasing production of waste, es...
Organic waste that accumulates often disturbs the comfort and causes disease. The waste management s...
Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that primarily consist of organic materials derived from plant o...
As human beings, in everyday life, they must produce waste, including the residents of the Beringin ...
This community service project in the form of training was carried out on the basis of the collabora...
Kampung Rarahan is one of the hamlets in Cimacan Village, Cipanas District, Cianjur Regency. One of ...
Abstract. Several problems related to the use of chemical fertilizers are fertilizer prices that con...
Organic fertilizer serves as a crucial alternative in supporting sustainable plant growth, especiall...
Organic waste is waste that contains elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and is easily degraded ...
One of the weaknesses of home-scale industrial management is in terms of industrial waste management...
Household waste is often ignored and thrown away, so that it can have a bad impact on the environmen...
Community service activities in Nggorang Village, Komodo District in the form of training on making ...
Waste or organic waste from households can be converted into liquid organic fertilizer (POC) because...
One of the weaknesses of home-scale industrial management is in terms of industrial waste management...
Abstract. Jaya Tani is a farmer group in Suka Sipilihen Village, Karo Regency. The members of Jaya...
One of the problems faced by the people of Sijambi village is the increasing production of waste, es...
Organic waste that accumulates often disturbs the comfort and causes disease. The waste management s...
Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that primarily consist of organic materials derived from plant o...
As human beings, in everyday life, they must produce waste, including the residents of the Beringin ...
This community service project in the form of training was carried out on the basis of the collabora...
Kampung Rarahan is one of the hamlets in Cimacan Village, Cipanas District, Cianjur Regency. One of ...
Abstract. Several problems related to the use of chemical fertilizers are fertilizer prices that con...
Organic fertilizer serves as a crucial alternative in supporting sustainable plant growth, especiall...
Organic waste is waste that contains elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and is easily degraded ...
One of the weaknesses of home-scale industrial management is in terms of industrial waste management...
Household waste is often ignored and thrown away, so that it can have a bad impact on the environmen...
Community service activities in Nggorang Village, Komodo District in the form of training on making ...
Waste or organic waste from households can be converted into liquid organic fertilizer (POC) because...
One of the weaknesses of home-scale industrial management is in terms of industrial waste management...
Abstract. Jaya Tani is a farmer group in Suka Sipilihen Village, Karo Regency. The members of Jaya...
One of the problems faced by the people of Sijambi village is the increasing production of waste, es...
Organic waste that accumulates often disturbs the comfort and causes disease. The waste management s...
Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that primarily consist of organic materials derived from plant o...