This complex of four niches is located in Qianfo zhai 千佛寨, Anyue xian 安岳縣, Sichuan sheng 四川省. Three of the niches are depicted in [5]; the fourth niche is depicted in [6] and [7] and they are located to the right of niche 58. At the center of the niche depicted in [1] (the first of the complex from the left) there is one seated figure, heavily weathered. This figure, probably a buddha, seems to have been flanked by one figure on each side, but these latter have been removed (notice the marks on the floor in [1]). On the right wall of the niche we see a small figure, possibly one of the donors that financially supported the carving of this niche. There is another hole in the floor in front of the central figure. Given its current state, this...