The data set contains the data of two topic areas of an omnibus survey: 1. Attitude to popular sport and leisure activities of the population. 2. Attitude to Hungary and Hungarian food products. Topics: On 1. attitude to sport: attitude to leisure sport and reasons for or against athletic activity; obstacles to leisure sport; attitude to sport offerings open to all or connected with a club; free athletic activities or connected with a club and sport facilities used for this; membership in sport clubs or sport organizations; available and absent exercise places; cancellation of exercise time due to lack of trainer; judgement on the form of organization in the club; judgement on the cooperation of sport clubs and other institutions in the ...
Szakdolgozatom témája a hazai passzív sportturizmus vizsgálata a különböző sportrendezvényekre érkez...
The population of Hungary, similar to the European countries, shows an ageing tendency. The life exp...
Detailed determination of leisure behavior of subscribers to ´HEIM UND WERK´. Effects of increased l...
The athletic activity of West Germans. Topics: type and frequency of vacation travel in 1981 as wel...
Attitudes to sport and personal athletic activity. Topics: Leisure activity; club membership and ci...
The leisure activities, cultural interest and further education habits of young people in the Federa...
Leisure behavior and leisure desires of the population in the Ruhrgebiet. Topics: Preferred leisure...
Assessment of personal health. Organization of leisure time, leisure wishes and athletic activities....
Dolgozatomban a sport és egészséges táplálkozás hatásait és fontosságát vizsgáltam. Fontosnak tartot...
Analysis of attitudes to sports, to personal athletic activity as well as material conditions. Topic...
Szakdolgozatom keretein belül foglalkoztam és értékeltem a magyar sportolási szokásokat vizsgáló fel...
The population of Hungary, similar to the European countries, shows an ageing tendency. The life exp...
On a global level, a healthy lifestyle is experienced more where sport and physical activity as a wa...
Multi-topic survey from the field of market research. Topics: perceived and expected price developm...
Kith Nikoletta, Csernoch László, Balatoni Ildikó. Sport habits in North-Eastern Hungary. Journal of ...
Szakdolgozatom témája a hazai passzív sportturizmus vizsgálata a különböző sportrendezvényekre érkez...
The population of Hungary, similar to the European countries, shows an ageing tendency. The life exp...
Detailed determination of leisure behavior of subscribers to ´HEIM UND WERK´. Effects of increased l...
The athletic activity of West Germans. Topics: type and frequency of vacation travel in 1981 as wel...
Attitudes to sport and personal athletic activity. Topics: Leisure activity; club membership and ci...
The leisure activities, cultural interest and further education habits of young people in the Federa...
Leisure behavior and leisure desires of the population in the Ruhrgebiet. Topics: Preferred leisure...
Assessment of personal health. Organization of leisure time, leisure wishes and athletic activities....
Dolgozatomban a sport és egészséges táplálkozás hatásait és fontosságát vizsgáltam. Fontosnak tartot...
Analysis of attitudes to sports, to personal athletic activity as well as material conditions. Topic...
Szakdolgozatom keretein belül foglalkoztam és értékeltem a magyar sportolási szokásokat vizsgáló fel...
The population of Hungary, similar to the European countries, shows an ageing tendency. The life exp...
On a global level, a healthy lifestyle is experienced more where sport and physical activity as a wa...
Multi-topic survey from the field of market research. Topics: perceived and expected price developm...
Kith Nikoletta, Csernoch László, Balatoni Ildikó. Sport habits in North-Eastern Hungary. Journal of ...
Szakdolgozatom témája a hazai passzív sportturizmus vizsgálata a különböző sportrendezvényekre érkez...
The population of Hungary, similar to the European countries, shows an ageing tendency. The life exp...
Detailed determination of leisure behavior of subscribers to ´HEIM UND WERK´. Effects of increased l...