Aggregate data on election politics for the Federal Republic at the level of the constituencies for the Federal Parliament election 1976, the European Election 1979 and the Federal Parliament election 1980. Topics: for each of the 3 elections mentioned the following data was collected in the form of percentages: election turnout; invalid first and second votes; proportions of first and second votes for the individual parties; absolute number of eligible voters.Wahlpolitische Aggregatdaten für die Bundesrepublik auf der Ebene der Wahlkreise für die Bundestagswahl 1976, die Europawahl 1979 und die Bundestagswahl 1980. Themen: Für die 3 genannten Wahlen wurden in Form von Prozentangaben jeweils folgende Daten erhoben: Wahlbeteiligung; ungült...
Data base of results of Reichstag elections between 1920 and 1933 as well as data on economic and so...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Attitude to political questions at state level. Topics: Willi...
Attitude of the population to current political topics. Judgement on parties and politicians. Topic...
Economic, sociological and election political aggregate data for the Federal Republic of 1972 and 19...
Socio-economic and election political aggregate data for the Federal Republic (1949-1969) at the lev...
Aggregate data at the level of the FRG about party preferences and the economic situation, in monthl...
Aggregated election statistical data of the Primary Elections 1969 in New York City. Topics: Aggreg...
Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians in the Federal Republic. Topics...
Behavior at the polls in the last Federal Parliament election. Topics: Date of filling out the surve...
Untersuchungen über den Einfluss der Bundespolitik auf Landtagswahlentscheidungen betrachteten in de...
Ausgewählte Variablen zur Parteieneinschätzung und zu politischen Fragen aus nationalen Wahlstudien....
Pt. 1: Representative European election statistics, p. 11-34; Pt. 2: Final election results, p. 35-1...
Judgement on parties, election campaign, candidates for chancellor and other politicians in the Fede...
Evaluation of parties shortly after the Federal Parliament election. Topics: Behavior at the polls ...
Political attitudes and judgement on parties as well as politicians. Topics: The content of this da...
Data base of results of Reichstag elections between 1920 and 1933 as well as data on economic and so...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Attitude to political questions at state level. Topics: Willi...
Attitude of the population to current political topics. Judgement on parties and politicians. Topic...
Economic, sociological and election political aggregate data for the Federal Republic of 1972 and 19...
Socio-economic and election political aggregate data for the Federal Republic (1949-1969) at the lev...
Aggregate data at the level of the FRG about party preferences and the economic situation, in monthl...
Aggregated election statistical data of the Primary Elections 1969 in New York City. Topics: Aggreg...
Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians in the Federal Republic. Topics...
Behavior at the polls in the last Federal Parliament election. Topics: Date of filling out the surve...
Untersuchungen über den Einfluss der Bundespolitik auf Landtagswahlentscheidungen betrachteten in de...
Ausgewählte Variablen zur Parteieneinschätzung und zu politischen Fragen aus nationalen Wahlstudien....
Pt. 1: Representative European election statistics, p. 11-34; Pt. 2: Final election results, p. 35-1...
Judgement on parties, election campaign, candidates for chancellor and other politicians in the Fede...
Evaluation of parties shortly after the Federal Parliament election. Topics: Behavior at the polls ...
Political attitudes and judgement on parties as well as politicians. Topics: The content of this da...
Data base of results of Reichstag elections between 1920 and 1933 as well as data on economic and so...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Attitude to political questions at state level. Topics: Willi...
Attitude of the population to current political topics. Judgement on parties and politicians. Topic...