Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in state parliament or Federal Parliament election; change in party voted for; party preference (Sunday question, ballot procedure and rank order procedure) at state parliament or Federal Parliament election; certainty of voting decision and behavior at the polls in the last state parliament or Federal Parliament election; sympathy scale for parties at state level; satisfaction with state government or opposition; satisfaction with top candidates of one´s preferred party; sympathy scale for leading state politicians; assumed probability and attitude to the FDP or the Greens taking seats in the state parliament; attitude to an absolute majority for one party; preferred gove...
Judgement on the political situation in North Rhine-Westphalia. Topics: Political interest; judgeme...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Current political questions. Topics: most important problems ...
Attitude to topics of federal and local politics and judgement on the parties. Topics: importance o...
Judgements on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in the election for state or F...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: political interest; intent to participate in the stat...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in the election for state or Fe...
Judgement on parties and politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia. Attitude to current political questi...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Current political questions. Topics: most important problems ...
Judgement on parties and politicians at federal and state level. Topics: political interest; intent...
Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the state parliament election in Hesse. Topics:...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in the election or absentee bal...
Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the state parliament election in Baden-Wuerttemb...
Judgement on parties and politicians at federal and state level. Topics: political interest; intent...
Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the metropolitan council election in Bremen. To...
Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: political interest; in...
Judgement on the political situation in North Rhine-Westphalia. Topics: Political interest; judgeme...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Current political questions. Topics: most important problems ...
Attitude to topics of federal and local politics and judgement on the parties. Topics: importance o...
Judgements on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in the election for state or F...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: political interest; intent to participate in the stat...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in the election for state or Fe...
Judgement on parties and politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia. Attitude to current political questi...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Current political questions. Topics: most important problems ...
Judgement on parties and politicians at federal and state level. Topics: political interest; intent...
Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the state parliament election in Hesse. Topics:...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: intent to participate in the election or absentee bal...
Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the state parliament election in Baden-Wuerttemb...
Judgement on parties and politicians at federal and state level. Topics: political interest; intent...
Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the metropolitan council election in Bremen. To...
Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: political interest; in...
Judgement on the political situation in North Rhine-Westphalia. Topics: Political interest; judgeme...
Judgement on parties and politicians. Current political questions. Topics: most important problems ...
Attitude to topics of federal and local politics and judgement on the parties. Topics: importance o...