Wounds stained with H&E staining treated with PRP gel (GII), gel supplemented with collagen nanoparticles (GIII), and saline as negative control (Saline) (GI) on the 10th day. Epi: Epidermis; K: Keratin layer; BV: Blood vessels; HF: Hair follicles; SG: Sebaceous glands; U: Ulcer; C: Collagen; Connective tissue (CT) a and b are the images with 10x and 20x magnification.</p
<p>Skin biopsies of CMC, F-5-treated and becaplermin-treated diabetic pig wounds on day 14 were subj...
<p>a,b) control group showing the wound area covered by regenerated epidermis. The regenerated dermi...
<p>Full thickness excisional wounds were treated with a mixture of Collagen I and either 6mer, 8mer ...
Wounds stained with H&E staining treated with PRP gel (GII), gel supplemented with collagen nanopart...
a. Digital Photos Showing Macroscopic Wound Size Subjected to Different Treatments. As compare Wound...
<p>(A) Shown are representative images (left panels) from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy ti...
<p>(A) Representative picture of H&E-stained sections of a LIGHT<sup>−/−</sup> chronic wounds from a...
<p>The original magnification was 2x. (●) Representative re-epithelialized surface. (<sup>▬</sup>) 5...
<p>a,b) control group showing wound surface covered by crust and the wound bed was filled with granu...
<p>A, B: Cross sections of 7 days old wounds were stained with TGFβ1 specific antibodies as describe...
<p>Paraffin sections from day 6 wounds were stained with the Masson-Goldner trichrome stain as descr...
<p>Characteristic histological changes in acute cutaneous wounds left to heal by secondary intention...
<p>(A) Four-mm-diameter wounds were inflicted and healing was recorded by photography. Bar, 5 mm. (B...
<p>Ten days after injury, rats were scarified, wound skin was fixing in 4% of paraformaldehyde. The ...
Aim: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has achieved widespread success in the treatment of chro...
<p>Skin biopsies of CMC, F-5-treated and becaplermin-treated diabetic pig wounds on day 14 were subj...
<p>a,b) control group showing the wound area covered by regenerated epidermis. The regenerated dermi...
<p>Full thickness excisional wounds were treated with a mixture of Collagen I and either 6mer, 8mer ...
Wounds stained with H&E staining treated with PRP gel (GII), gel supplemented with collagen nanopart...
a. Digital Photos Showing Macroscopic Wound Size Subjected to Different Treatments. As compare Wound...
<p>(A) Shown are representative images (left panels) from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy ti...
<p>(A) Representative picture of H&E-stained sections of a LIGHT<sup>−/−</sup> chronic wounds from a...
<p>The original magnification was 2x. (●) Representative re-epithelialized surface. (<sup>▬</sup>) 5...
<p>a,b) control group showing wound surface covered by crust and the wound bed was filled with granu...
<p>A, B: Cross sections of 7 days old wounds were stained with TGFβ1 specific antibodies as describe...
<p>Paraffin sections from day 6 wounds were stained with the Masson-Goldner trichrome stain as descr...
<p>Characteristic histological changes in acute cutaneous wounds left to heal by secondary intention...
<p>(A) Four-mm-diameter wounds were inflicted and healing was recorded by photography. Bar, 5 mm. (B...
<p>Ten days after injury, rats were scarified, wound skin was fixing in 4% of paraformaldehyde. The ...
Aim: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has achieved widespread success in the treatment of chro...
<p>Skin biopsies of CMC, F-5-treated and becaplermin-treated diabetic pig wounds on day 14 were subj...
<p>a,b) control group showing the wound area covered by regenerated epidermis. The regenerated dermi...
<p>Full thickness excisional wounds were treated with a mixture of Collagen I and either 6mer, 8mer ...