Very preterm (<32 weeks of gestation) birth is associated with structural brain alterationsand memory impairments throughout childhood and adolescence. Here, we used functional MRI(fMRI) to study the neuroanatomy of recognition memory in 49 very preterm-born adults and 50 con-trols (mean age: 30 years) during completion of a task involving visual encoding and recognition ofabstract pictures. T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted images were also collected. Bilateral hippocam-pal volumes were calculated and tractography of the fornix and cingulum was performed and assessedin terms of volume and hindrance modulated orientational anisotropy (HMOA). Online recognitionmemory task performance, assessed with A scores, was poorer in the very preterm c...
AbstractAlterations in cortical development and impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes have been descr...
International audienceObjectives The severity of neurocognitive impairment increases with prematurit...
Main objectives: Executive functions are frequently a weakness in children born preterm. We examined...
Very preterm (<32 weeks of gestation) birth is associated with structural brain alterationsand memor...
Very preterm birth (VPT; < 33 weeks of gestation) is associated with an increased risk of learning d...
AbstractVery preterm birth (VPT; < 33 weeks of gestation) is associated with an increased risk of le...
Very preterm birth (VPT; < 32 weeks of gestation) has been associated with impairments in memory abi...
Very preterm birth (VPT; < 33 weeks of gestation) is associated with an increased risk of learning d...
Altered functional neuroanatomy of high-order cognitive processing has been described in very preter...
Imaging studies have characterized functional and structural brain abnormalities in adults after pre...
Very preterm birth (VPT; <32 weeks of gestation) has been associated with impairments in memory abil...
Preterm birth (defined as birth before 37 weeks) is a leading cause of neurocognitive impairment in...
Alterations in cortical development and impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes have been described fol...
Premature birth is associated with an increased risk of cognitive performance deficits that are depe...
Objectives: Impairments in visual perception are among the most common developmental difficulties re...
AbstractAlterations in cortical development and impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes have been descr...
International audienceObjectives The severity of neurocognitive impairment increases with prematurit...
Main objectives: Executive functions are frequently a weakness in children born preterm. We examined...
Very preterm (<32 weeks of gestation) birth is associated with structural brain alterationsand memor...
Very preterm birth (VPT; < 33 weeks of gestation) is associated with an increased risk of learning d...
AbstractVery preterm birth (VPT; < 33 weeks of gestation) is associated with an increased risk of le...
Very preterm birth (VPT; < 32 weeks of gestation) has been associated with impairments in memory abi...
Very preterm birth (VPT; < 33 weeks of gestation) is associated with an increased risk of learning d...
Altered functional neuroanatomy of high-order cognitive processing has been described in very preter...
Imaging studies have characterized functional and structural brain abnormalities in adults after pre...
Very preterm birth (VPT; <32 weeks of gestation) has been associated with impairments in memory abil...
Preterm birth (defined as birth before 37 weeks) is a leading cause of neurocognitive impairment in...
Alterations in cortical development and impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes have been described fol...
Premature birth is associated with an increased risk of cognitive performance deficits that are depe...
Objectives: Impairments in visual perception are among the most common developmental difficulties re...
AbstractAlterations in cortical development and impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes have been descr...
International audienceObjectives The severity of neurocognitive impairment increases with prematurit...
Main objectives: Executive functions are frequently a weakness in children born preterm. We examined...