This study describes the process of identification and subsequent examination of the delivery of health care to people with an intellectual disability in a single general practice. The study was undertaken in group practice with a list size of 11,425. Identification through practice and community intellectual disability teams was followed by a note-based assessment of health promotion and consultation rates. Comparison was made with age-sex matched non-disabled controls. A total of 26 individuals with an intellectual disability was identified, 14 male and 12 female, with an age range of 3 to 75 years. Of these 7 (26.9%) were on the local Social Services register. A diverse range of causes of disability was seen. People with an intellect...
Background Studies have found that health checking in primary care led to the identification of prev...
An intellectual disability attitude questionnaire was used to explore the attitudes of general pract...
Background: Adults with intellectual disabilities have higher morbidity and earlier mortality than t...
This study describes the process of identification and subsequent examination of the delivery of hea...
Background People with intellectual disabilities experi‐ence disparities in their health and health...
People with intellectual disability have an increased variety of health care problems compared with ...
This study aimed to analyse the health problems and prescriptions of people with intellectual disabi...
International research has demonstrated significant shortcomings in the health of adults with intell...
Background: Adults with a learning disability frequently have unmet health needs. The cause for thi...
Background The transition of people with intellectual disability (ID) from care institutions to the ...
Background The transition of people with intellectual disability (ID) from care institutions to the ...
There is growing awareness of the importance of evidence-based medicine in guiding health care deliv...
This study aimed to analyse the health problems and prescriptions of people with intellectual disabi...
The aim of the study was to elucidate the barriers experienced by general practice registrars in the...
Reported here are the preliminary results of the second Dutch National Survey of General Practice in...
Background Studies have found that health checking in primary care led to the identification of prev...
An intellectual disability attitude questionnaire was used to explore the attitudes of general pract...
Background: Adults with intellectual disabilities have higher morbidity and earlier mortality than t...
This study describes the process of identification and subsequent examination of the delivery of hea...
Background People with intellectual disabilities experi‐ence disparities in their health and health...
People with intellectual disability have an increased variety of health care problems compared with ...
This study aimed to analyse the health problems and prescriptions of people with intellectual disabi...
International research has demonstrated significant shortcomings in the health of adults with intell...
Background: Adults with a learning disability frequently have unmet health needs. The cause for thi...
Background The transition of people with intellectual disability (ID) from care institutions to the ...
Background The transition of people with intellectual disability (ID) from care institutions to the ...
There is growing awareness of the importance of evidence-based medicine in guiding health care deliv...
This study aimed to analyse the health problems and prescriptions of people with intellectual disabi...
The aim of the study was to elucidate the barriers experienced by general practice registrars in the...
Reported here are the preliminary results of the second Dutch National Survey of General Practice in...
Background Studies have found that health checking in primary care led to the identification of prev...
An intellectual disability attitude questionnaire was used to explore the attitudes of general pract...
Background: Adults with intellectual disabilities have higher morbidity and earlier mortality than t...