Specificity of mood stabilizer action on neuronal growth cones

  • Shaltiel, Galit
  • Dalton, Emma Charlotte
  • Belmaker, Robert H.
  • Harwood, Adrian John
  • Agam, Galila
Publication date
May 2007


Objectives:  Lithium, valproic acid (VPA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) are commonly used mood stabilizers, but their therapeutic mechanism is unclear. These drugs all cause the same morphological effects on postnatal rat neuronal dorsal root ganglia (DRG) growth cones via an inositol-reversible mechanism. However, due to limitations in earlier analysis, the effects of combining drugs, drug specificity and inositol stereoisomer specificity are unknown. We devised an improved analytical method to address these issues. Methods:  Dorsal root ganglia explants were cultured individually and incubated with combinations of psychotropic drugs and inositol stereoisomers. We recorded axonal growth cone morphology and calculated growth cone area per a mo...

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