Adaptation of the behaviour of an aspartic proteinase inhibitor by relocation of a lysine residue by one helical turn

  • Winterburn, Tim J.
  • Wyatt, David M.
  • Phylip, Lowri H.
  • Berry, Colin
  • Bur, Daniel
  • Kay, John
Publication date
January 2006
Walter de Gruyter


In addition to self-inhibition of aspartic proteinase zymogens by their intrinsic proparts, the activity of certain members of this enzyme family can be modulated through active-site occupation by extrinsic polypeptides such as the small IA3 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The unprecedented mechanism by which IA3 helicates to inhibit its sole target aspartic proteinase locates an i, i+4 pair of charged residues (Lys18+Asp22) on an otherwise-hydrophobic face of the amphipathic helix. The nature of these residues is not crucial for effective inhibition, but re-location of the lysine residue by one turn (+4 residues) in the helical IA3 positions its side chain in the mutant IA3-proteinase complex in an orientation essentially identical ...

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