The purpose of this paper is to consider some problems on the present condition of the interregional air line system, and to make clear the possibility of introducing it. At first. the possibility of introducing commuter air lines is considered in Fukui prefecture, especially in Reinan and Okuetsu Region. Secondly, the Modal Choice Model to forecast the demand of commuter air lines is built in Chuubu Region. And the feasibility of this system is studied by Cost Model. Finally, the possibility of helicopter transport system is considered in Fukui
Child maltreatment is a serious public health problem. Leeb et al.(2007) defined child maltreatment ...
The necessity of applying Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) in evaluating the validity of a public transpo...
Prinz\u27s common coding theory proposes that perception and action share a common cognitive archite...
Recent1y traffic accident increases rapidly. So designing the road-networks in the residential areas...
In this study, we conducted a trial inspection of landslide prevention facilities (stormwater channe...
The measurement of the temperature pattern at the earth's surface is carried on by using the radio ...
Based on the NEG model incorporating the interregional input-output structure, we estimate the diffe...
Surface electrical breakdown of insulating materials which are wet or dirty on the surface, are qui...
本研究では、対人的効果としての美容・化粧行為(メーキャップ、スキンケア、ヘアケア、清潔にするなど) ではなく、対自的効果としての美容・化粧行為、その中でも特に「自分に対する“慈しみ”を育むための美容・...
実践報告Practical reports 本報告では,聖隷クリストファー大学リハビリテーション学部において2016 年度春セメスターに実施したピアレビューの実施方法と実施状況,アンケート調査結果につ...
The Design of Rectangular-Irregular-Frames are unavoidable in the constructions of practical use. Th...
Three speedup actions had performed in homology modeling method, FAMS. One of them is multi-thread t...
Child maltreatment is a serious public health problem. Leeb et al.(2007) defined child maltreatment ...
The necessity of applying Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) in evaluating the validity of a public transpo...
Prinz\u27s common coding theory proposes that perception and action share a common cognitive archite...
Recent1y traffic accident increases rapidly. So designing the road-networks in the residential areas...
In this study, we conducted a trial inspection of landslide prevention facilities (stormwater channe...
The measurement of the temperature pattern at the earth's surface is carried on by using the radio ...
Based on the NEG model incorporating the interregional input-output structure, we estimate the diffe...
Surface electrical breakdown of insulating materials which are wet or dirty on the surface, are qui...
本研究では、対人的効果としての美容・化粧行為(メーキャップ、スキンケア、ヘアケア、清潔にするなど) ではなく、対自的効果としての美容・化粧行為、その中でも特に「自分に対する“慈しみ”を育むための美容・...
実践報告Practical reports 本報告では,聖隷クリストファー大学リハビリテーション学部において2016 年度春セメスターに実施したピアレビューの実施方法と実施状況,アンケート調査結果につ...
The Design of Rectangular-Irregular-Frames are unavoidable in the constructions of practical use. Th...
Three speedup actions had performed in homology modeling method, FAMS. One of them is multi-thread t...
Child maltreatment is a serious public health problem. Leeb et al.(2007) defined child maltreatment ...
The necessity of applying Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) in evaluating the validity of a public transpo...