PhDPhysical educationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
An important goal for higher education is the preparation of students for success in an increasingly...
The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the difference in goal orientations, motivational cli...
This study examined these variables on the motivation of individual student-athletes recruited from ...
The purpose of this quantitative, correlational research was to assess the relationship between acad...
Collegiate athletics has become an integral part of the student experience for both athletes and non...
Sport motivation plays an integral role in sport participation. Research has revealed possible diffe...
Historically, sports, along with entertainment, has been one of the few avenues of upward mobility i...
The obstacles facing African American athletes in college extend from the absence of discipline to t...
This investigation explored perceptions and opinions of Black male student-athletes who were partici...
The purpose of this study was to investigate non-cognitive motivational factors as indicators of aca...
The purpose of the study was to examine the academic value of interscholastic athletic participation...
This study was devoted primarily to the development of athletics in the high schools of Michigan. Al...
The connection between sports participation and academic achievement was investigated with a primary...
Motivational climate, along with other significant factors, play an instrumental role in the goal pe...
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which academic and athletic motivation can ...
An important goal for higher education is the preparation of students for success in an increasingly...
The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the difference in goal orientations, motivational cli...
This study examined these variables on the motivation of individual student-athletes recruited from ...
The purpose of this quantitative, correlational research was to assess the relationship between acad...
Collegiate athletics has become an integral part of the student experience for both athletes and non...
Sport motivation plays an integral role in sport participation. Research has revealed possible diffe...
Historically, sports, along with entertainment, has been one of the few avenues of upward mobility i...
The obstacles facing African American athletes in college extend from the absence of discipline to t...
This investigation explored perceptions and opinions of Black male student-athletes who were partici...
The purpose of this study was to investigate non-cognitive motivational factors as indicators of aca...
The purpose of the study was to examine the academic value of interscholastic athletic participation...
This study was devoted primarily to the development of athletics in the high schools of Michigan. Al...
The connection between sports participation and academic achievement was investigated with a primary...
Motivational climate, along with other significant factors, play an instrumental role in the goal pe...
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which academic and athletic motivation can ...
An important goal for higher education is the preparation of students for success in an increasingly...
The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the difference in goal orientations, motivational cli...
This study examined these variables on the motivation of individual student-athletes recruited from ...