Table S1. All associations between clock CpG methylation and expression of genes in cis and in trans as identified by the regression analysis
Background: Circadian rhythms are physiological and behavioral cycles with a period of approximately...
Abstract It has been proposed that the circadian rhythm generally plays important roles in tumor sup...
Relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. Relationship between DNA methylation and g...
Table S1. All associations between clock CpG methylation and expression of genes in cis and in trans...
Table S3. Overlap between meQTLs affecting clock CpG DNAm and eQTLs affecting trans-gene expression
Table S2. Gene ontology (GO) enrichments of the trans-genes identified in the regression analysis
BACKGROUND: Epigenetic clocks use DNA methylation (DNAm) levels of specific sets of CpG dinucleotide...
TOMTOM output for hyper-variable cytosines from populational neutrophil data. Motifs detected from s...
Oscillation parameters for all interrogated CpG positions. EVC p value, cosinor p value, mesor, acro...
Circadian rhythm core genes and significant regulation. Core circadian clock genes as reviewed by Ke...
a Correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression of PcG complex proteins. b Overlap between...
TOMTOM output for oscillating cytosines in neutrophil. Motifs detected from sequences flanking osc-m...
Proportion of variance explained by oscillations at various EVCs thresholds. Number of total EVCs, p...
The timing of daily fluctuations in blood glucose is tightly controlled by the circadian rhythm. DNA...
Adaptive rank truncated product (ARTP)-based analysis of single circadian genes: primary analysis (a...
Background: Circadian rhythms are physiological and behavioral cycles with a period of approximately...
Abstract It has been proposed that the circadian rhythm generally plays important roles in tumor sup...
Relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. Relationship between DNA methylation and g...
Table S1. All associations between clock CpG methylation and expression of genes in cis and in trans...
Table S3. Overlap between meQTLs affecting clock CpG DNAm and eQTLs affecting trans-gene expression
Table S2. Gene ontology (GO) enrichments of the trans-genes identified in the regression analysis
BACKGROUND: Epigenetic clocks use DNA methylation (DNAm) levels of specific sets of CpG dinucleotide...
TOMTOM output for hyper-variable cytosines from populational neutrophil data. Motifs detected from s...
Oscillation parameters for all interrogated CpG positions. EVC p value, cosinor p value, mesor, acro...
Circadian rhythm core genes and significant regulation. Core circadian clock genes as reviewed by Ke...
a Correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression of PcG complex proteins. b Overlap between...
TOMTOM output for oscillating cytosines in neutrophil. Motifs detected from sequences flanking osc-m...
Proportion of variance explained by oscillations at various EVCs thresholds. Number of total EVCs, p...
The timing of daily fluctuations in blood glucose is tightly controlled by the circadian rhythm. DNA...
Adaptive rank truncated product (ARTP)-based analysis of single circadian genes: primary analysis (a...
Background: Circadian rhythms are physiological and behavioral cycles with a period of approximately...
Abstract It has been proposed that the circadian rhythm generally plays important roles in tumor sup...
Relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. Relationship between DNA methylation and g...