New Analysis Based on Correlations of RC4 PRGA with Nonzero-Bit Differences

  • MIYAJI, Atsuko
  • SUKEGAWA, Masahiro
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Publication date
June 2010
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE)


RC4 is the stream cipher proposed by Rivest in 1987, which is widely used in a number of commercial products because of its simplicity and substantial security. RC4 exploits shuffle-exchange paradigm, which uses a permutation S. Many attacks have been reported so far. No study, however, has focused on correlations in the Pseudo-Random Generation (PRGA) between two permutations S and S' with some differences, nevertheless such correlations are related to an inherent weakness of shuffle-exchange-type PRGA. In this paper, we investigate the correlations between S and S' with some differences in the initial round. We show that correlations between S and S' remain before "i" is in the position where the nonzero-bit difference exists in the initi...

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