Op 3 februari 1735 verging het VOC-schip t Vliegent Hart vlak voor de kust van Zeeland. De resultaten van diverse duikcampagnes en akoestisch onderzoek (side-scan sonar, multibeam, seismiek) van het begraven wrak van deze Nederlandse Oost-Indiëvaarder tonen duidelijk aan dat de wraksite onderhevig is aan snelle veranderingen in sedimentatie en erosie. Verder onderzoek van de wrakresten op de zeebodem, en mogelijk ook begraven, moet uiteindelijk toelaten om een compleet inzicht te krijgen in dit unieke 18de-eeuwse wrak
This research focuses on a spatial analysis of shipwrecks in the province of Flevoland. Shipwrecks i...
When on 25 March 1647 the VOC ship Haarlem stranded in Table Bay, nobody expected that this incident...
On Sunday 25 March 1647, shortly after five o’clock in the afternoon, the Dutch East India Company (...
The Dutch East Indiaman 'Zeewijk', which foundered in 1727, is the youngest of five East Indiamen kn...
In 1763 a large ship, the Amstelveen, part of the fleet of the Dutch East-India Company (VOC), saile...
In 1635 or shortly thereafter, a Dutch ship was laden with all sorts of materials and products, most...
The Adelaar, a Dutch East-Indiaman outward bound from Middleburg to Batavia, was wrecked on Greian H...
The Avondster was a 17th century British ship captured by the Dutch and used by the United Dutch Eas...
Batavia, a Dutch East Indiaman, sank in 1629 on its maiden voyage to the Indies in the Houtman Abro...
Between Norway and The Netherlands, a high-voltage power cable (NorNed) is planned and realised by N...
De Belgica, in Noorwegen gebouwd in 1884, heeft in de loop van haar leven verschillende functies geh...
In 1647 CE, the United Dutch East India Company (VOC) ship Haarlem wrecked in Table Bay. The event...
In April 2006 several dive inspections were executed along the intended route of the Norned HV DC El...
In the summers of 2011 and 2012 the International Fieldschool for Maritime Archaeology Flevoland (IF...
General Introduction The reefs surrounding the Houtman Abrolhos in Western Australia were a not...
This research focuses on a spatial analysis of shipwrecks in the province of Flevoland. Shipwrecks i...
When on 25 March 1647 the VOC ship Haarlem stranded in Table Bay, nobody expected that this incident...
On Sunday 25 March 1647, shortly after five o’clock in the afternoon, the Dutch East India Company (...
The Dutch East Indiaman 'Zeewijk', which foundered in 1727, is the youngest of five East Indiamen kn...
In 1763 a large ship, the Amstelveen, part of the fleet of the Dutch East-India Company (VOC), saile...
In 1635 or shortly thereafter, a Dutch ship was laden with all sorts of materials and products, most...
The Adelaar, a Dutch East-Indiaman outward bound from Middleburg to Batavia, was wrecked on Greian H...
The Avondster was a 17th century British ship captured by the Dutch and used by the United Dutch Eas...
Batavia, a Dutch East Indiaman, sank in 1629 on its maiden voyage to the Indies in the Houtman Abro...
Between Norway and The Netherlands, a high-voltage power cable (NorNed) is planned and realised by N...
De Belgica, in Noorwegen gebouwd in 1884, heeft in de loop van haar leven verschillende functies geh...
In 1647 CE, the United Dutch East India Company (VOC) ship Haarlem wrecked in Table Bay. The event...
In April 2006 several dive inspections were executed along the intended route of the Norned HV DC El...
In the summers of 2011 and 2012 the International Fieldschool for Maritime Archaeology Flevoland (IF...
General Introduction The reefs surrounding the Houtman Abrolhos in Western Australia were a not...
This research focuses on a spatial analysis of shipwrecks in the province of Flevoland. Shipwrecks i...
When on 25 March 1647 the VOC ship Haarlem stranded in Table Bay, nobody expected that this incident...
On Sunday 25 March 1647, shortly after five o’clock in the afternoon, the Dutch East India Company (...