相対論的輻射流体力学の分野は,相対論的天体現象において基礎的分野にもかかわらず,定式化の段階で不完全で未完成であり,まだまだ基礎研究が必要だし,解決すべき課題(お宝)がたくさん残っている.数年ほど修行してようやくレベル50ぐらいには達したと思うが,まだまだ先は長そうだ.そこで,とりあえず,現時点までにわかってきたこと,発掘できたお宝,発掘中のもの,隠されている謎など,数回にわけて報告してみたい.The field of the relativistic radiation hydrodynamics is very wide and deep but fundmental for various relativistic astrophysical phenomena. However, its moment formalism is insuffcient and imperfect. Thus, it is necessary to do many fundamental researches, and there remain many treasures to be found. After a few years training and reaching about the level 50, we show and introduce the present status, founded orbs, expected ones, and hidden enigmas
Relativistic hydrodynamics is a very successful theoretical framework to describe the dynamics of ma...
I consider a simple set of equations that govern the expansion of boost-invariant plasmas of massles...
We present new, exact, finite solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for longitudinally expanding f...
本研究の研究課題のもとで得られた成果は非常に多岐にわたるが、大きく5 つに分けると、(1)相対論的輻射流体力学の問題点の洗い出しを行った。(2)相対論的輻射圧駆動球対称定常風のモデル計算をした。(3)...
In this thesis, I show my Ph.D. work on event-by-event hydrodynamic simulations for relativistic hea...
A new class of simple and exact solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics is presented, and the conse...
制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲1553号 ; 学位の種類:博士(理学) ; 授与年月日:2001/3/8 ; 早大学位記番号:新3142 ; 理工学図書館請求番号:2577本文PDFは平成22年度国...
Relativistic hydrodynamics of classic plasmas is derived from the microscopic model in the limit of ...
We present new, exact, finite solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for longitudinally expanding f...
Neste trabalho usamos um modelo hidrodinâmico com condições iniciais flutuantes evento a evento para...
We discuss some open problems in hydrodynamical approach to the relativistic heavy ion collisions. I...
Relativistic hydrodynamics is a very successful theoretical framework to describe the dynamics of ma...
I consider a simple set of equations that govern the expansion of boost-invariant plasmas of massles...
We present new, exact, finite solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for longitudinally expanding f...
本研究の研究課題のもとで得られた成果は非常に多岐にわたるが、大きく5 つに分けると、(1)相対論的輻射流体力学の問題点の洗い出しを行った。(2)相対論的輻射圧駆動球対称定常風のモデル計算をした。(3)...
In this thesis, I show my Ph.D. work on event-by-event hydrodynamic simulations for relativistic hea...
A new class of simple and exact solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics is presented, and the conse...
制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲1553号 ; 学位の種類:博士(理学) ; 授与年月日:2001/3/8 ; 早大学位記番号:新3142 ; 理工学図書館請求番号:2577本文PDFは平成22年度国...
Relativistic hydrodynamics of classic plasmas is derived from the microscopic model in the limit of ...
We present new, exact, finite solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for longitudinally expanding f...
Neste trabalho usamos um modelo hidrodinâmico com condições iniciais flutuantes evento a evento para...
We discuss some open problems in hydrodynamical approach to the relativistic heavy ion collisions. I...
Relativistic hydrodynamics is a very successful theoretical framework to describe the dynamics of ma...
I consider a simple set of equations that govern the expansion of boost-invariant plasmas of massles...
We present new, exact, finite solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for longitudinally expanding f...