The root systems of tomato (Lycopersion esculentum Mill., cv. Hausu-Momotaro) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., cv. Sharp I) seedlings were subjected to four different dissolved O2 (DO) levels in nutrient solution for 8 days under artificial light conditions. The DO levels were kept constant at 1, 2, 4 and 8 ppm, and the solution temperature was controlled at 22 and 30℃ for tomato and at 25 and 33℃ for cucumber. 1.Growth of tomato plants at 1 and 2 ppm DO was inferior to that at higher DO levels, irrespective of solution temperatures. 2.Growth of cucumber plants was slightly retarded even at 1 ppm when the solution was held at 25℃. At 33℃, the growth was significantly inhibited at 1 and 2 ppm DO levels, similar to tomato. These results s...
目錄 誌謝 摘要 Abstract 第一章 緒論 第二章 氮肥施用量對水稻生長和氮及能量代謝生理的影響 一、稻苗氨中毒,其復穌及生長初期的遲滯 二、氮之同化 第三章 用水稻葉片色素濃度變化追蹤水...
In this paper,effects of relative humidity(RH)on the respiration rate and ethylene production of 63 ...
[Author abstract]Experiments have been carried out to determine the influence of mixed together with...
トマト品種大型福寿を湛水循環方式により水耕栽培して, 通気-液循環用ポンプの稼動時間を5/60,5/30,5/15,25/30とする4区を設け, 培養液中の溶存酸素濃度の違いが春作と秋作のトマトの生育...
Relative contributions of supraoptimal air and root-zone temteratures on the growth inhibition of cu...
水耕によってトマトの2段どり密植栽培(10a当約7,000株)を行い,培養液中の溶存酸素濃度が収量および養水分の吸収に及ぼす影饗を検討した. トマト品種‘強力段飛びヨーズ’を1979年2月9日には種し...
[Author abstract]Callus, two years old, of green popular (Populus nigra L.) was cultured on three ki...
通常の方法で水耕栽培されたトマト(Lycopersicon esculentum MiLL cv. Saturn)の根毛の発生状態を観察した。その結果, 1本の根でも根毛の発生が多い部分, 少ない部分...
Two temperatures (350 °C and 600 °C) of pyrolytic poultry-litter biochars (PLBs) were in-situ applie...
[Author abstract]The cotion exchange capacities (C. E. C) and ultimate pH (pHu) were determined on r...
Jute, Hoowae blue No.7 and kenaf, Madras red, were grown at the different rates of fertilization and...
汁液分析法を用いて, 各生育段階における, 硝酸態窒素濃度の異なる(2,4,8,12meq/ℓ)培養液で栽培したトマト2品種'桃太郎'と'TVR-2'の栄養生長及び各節位の葉身と葉柄内無機養分...
[Author abstract]Concerning several pulse crops and root crops, their growth and yield were compared...
Yellow-leaf-spot, a physiological abnormality occurring in leaves of several chrysanthemum (Chrysan...
In agriculture system, farmers usually use fertilizer to improve plant growth. The using of fertiliz...
目錄 誌謝 摘要 Abstract 第一章 緒論 第二章 氮肥施用量對水稻生長和氮及能量代謝生理的影響 一、稻苗氨中毒,其復穌及生長初期的遲滯 二、氮之同化 第三章 用水稻葉片色素濃度變化追蹤水...
In this paper,effects of relative humidity(RH)on the respiration rate and ethylene production of 63 ...
[Author abstract]Experiments have been carried out to determine the influence of mixed together with...
トマト品種大型福寿を湛水循環方式により水耕栽培して, 通気-液循環用ポンプの稼動時間を5/60,5/30,5/15,25/30とする4区を設け, 培養液中の溶存酸素濃度の違いが春作と秋作のトマトの生育...
Relative contributions of supraoptimal air and root-zone temteratures on the growth inhibition of cu...
水耕によってトマトの2段どり密植栽培(10a当約7,000株)を行い,培養液中の溶存酸素濃度が収量および養水分の吸収に及ぼす影饗を検討した. トマト品種‘強力段飛びヨーズ’を1979年2月9日には種し...
[Author abstract]Callus, two years old, of green popular (Populus nigra L.) was cultured on three ki...
通常の方法で水耕栽培されたトマト(Lycopersicon esculentum MiLL cv. Saturn)の根毛の発生状態を観察した。その結果, 1本の根でも根毛の発生が多い部分, 少ない部分...
Two temperatures (350 °C and 600 °C) of pyrolytic poultry-litter biochars (PLBs) were in-situ applie...
[Author abstract]The cotion exchange capacities (C. E. C) and ultimate pH (pHu) were determined on r...
Jute, Hoowae blue No.7 and kenaf, Madras red, were grown at the different rates of fertilization and...
汁液分析法を用いて, 各生育段階における, 硝酸態窒素濃度の異なる(2,4,8,12meq/ℓ)培養液で栽培したトマト2品種'桃太郎'と'TVR-2'の栄養生長及び各節位の葉身と葉柄内無機養分...
[Author abstract]Concerning several pulse crops and root crops, their growth and yield were compared...
Yellow-leaf-spot, a physiological abnormality occurring in leaves of several chrysanthemum (Chrysan...
In agriculture system, farmers usually use fertilizer to improve plant growth. The using of fertiliz...
目錄 誌謝 摘要 Abstract 第一章 緒論 第二章 氮肥施用量對水稻生長和氮及能量代謝生理的影響 一、稻苗氨中毒,其復穌及生長初期的遲滯 二、氮之同化 第三章 用水稻葉片色素濃度變化追蹤水...
In this paper,effects of relative humidity(RH)on the respiration rate and ethylene production of 63 ...
[Author abstract]Experiments have been carried out to determine the influence of mixed together with...