Stanovanje je izrazito kompleksan i multidimenzionalan proces čije različite aspekte proučava niz posebnih sociologija, ali i različitih disciplina poput arhitekture, geografije i urbanizma. Može se tvrditi da je stanovanje lokus mikro i makro razina promišljanja društvenosti u kojemu se istovremeno prožimaju makro fenomeni poput financijalizacije i komodifikacije stanovanja te mikro fenomeni poput svakodnevnih praksi stanovanja, situiranosti subjekta i osjećaja sigurnosti kojeg povezujemo sa stanovanjem. Unatoč tomu, u literaturi dominira makro pristup koji, uz neupitan doprinos u svome polju, po strani ostavlja mikro-razinske fenomene i pitanje zašto se određeni prostori nazivaju domom. Polazeći od Lefebvreove Produkcije prostora, ali smj...
Iz prostora v kraj, iz kraja v dom sestoji iz podrobnejše analize del 1:1 in 16m2. Deli se osredotoč...
U radu se detaljno istražuju odnosi između funkcije i forme savre- menog stana, kao i promene kroz k...
Panelstories: etnografie (re)produkce prostoru panelového sídliště Černý Most Mgr. Michal Lehečka Ab...
This paper presents the impact of Henri Lefebvre’s thought in contemporary urban sociology. In the ...
The main subject of this thesis is focused on the notion of taking space as a production and the rel...
This paper presents the theoretical-methodological possibilities of the French philosopher and soci...
Predmet ovoga rada je teorijski koncept pravo na grad kojeg je prvi put predložio francuski filozof...
This article discusses extended implications of Lefebvre’s The Production of Space in the context of...
This thesis intends to study the Henri Lefebvre s theories of space, town and urban. It begins by an...
Throughout the whole 20th Century, the urban issue is inextricably interwoven with the architectural...
Housing is a central program in contemporary architectural production. Incorporating civilizing valu...
Mental. Physical. The discussion goes back to Ancient times as the soul and the body. It does, howev...
This article discusses extended implications of Lefebvre’s The Production of Space in the context of...
This paper presents a concept and examples of contemporary subsidized housing, analyzing similaritie...
The Production of Space by Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991) is widely considered to be one of the most imp...
Iz prostora v kraj, iz kraja v dom sestoji iz podrobnejše analize del 1:1 in 16m2. Deli se osredotoč...
U radu se detaljno istražuju odnosi između funkcije i forme savre- menog stana, kao i promene kroz k...
Panelstories: etnografie (re)produkce prostoru panelového sídliště Černý Most Mgr. Michal Lehečka Ab...
This paper presents the impact of Henri Lefebvre’s thought in contemporary urban sociology. In the ...
The main subject of this thesis is focused on the notion of taking space as a production and the rel...
This paper presents the theoretical-methodological possibilities of the French philosopher and soci...
Predmet ovoga rada je teorijski koncept pravo na grad kojeg je prvi put predložio francuski filozof...
This article discusses extended implications of Lefebvre’s The Production of Space in the context of...
This thesis intends to study the Henri Lefebvre s theories of space, town and urban. It begins by an...
Throughout the whole 20th Century, the urban issue is inextricably interwoven with the architectural...
Housing is a central program in contemporary architectural production. Incorporating civilizing valu...
Mental. Physical. The discussion goes back to Ancient times as the soul and the body. It does, howev...
This article discusses extended implications of Lefebvre’s The Production of Space in the context of...
This paper presents a concept and examples of contemporary subsidized housing, analyzing similaritie...
The Production of Space by Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991) is widely considered to be one of the most imp...
Iz prostora v kraj, iz kraja v dom sestoji iz podrobnejše analize del 1:1 in 16m2. Deli se osredotoč...
U radu se detaljno istražuju odnosi između funkcije i forme savre- menog stana, kao i promene kroz k...
Panelstories: etnografie (re)produkce prostoru panelového sídliště Černý Most Mgr. Michal Lehečka Ab...