Steven Berkoff's adaptation of Oscar Wilde's lyrical drama tells the tale of the young Salome, who demands the head of an imprisoned prophet as a reward for dancing for her step-father Herod. Captured live at the Ginza Saison Theatre in Tokyo in 1992, tDirector, Berkoff, Steven ; Adaptation, Berkoff, Steven ; Music, Doyle, Roger ; Musician, Glentworth, Mark ; Costume Designer, Blight, David ; Production Manager, Ellen, Sid ; Company Manager/Stage Manager, Kark, Perdita ; Deputy Stage Manager, Hynes, Chris ; Assistant Stage Manager, Botcher, Stephen ; Wardrobe Mistress, Hill, Cathy.Steven Berkoff's adaptation of Oscar Wilde's lyrical drama tells the tale of the young Salome, who demands the head of an imprisoned prophet as a reward for danci...