Stablo je povezan aciklički graf, tj. povezan graf koji ne sadrži cikluse. Brojni autori posvetili su se istraživanju prosječne udaljenosti u stablima. Udaljenost između vrhova u i v u povezanom grafu G definirana je kao duljina najkraćeg (u, v)− puta u G te ju označavamo s dG(u, v) ili d(u, v). Glavni cilj ovog rada je odrediti asimptotske vrijednosti omjera raznih udaljenosti u stablima.A tree is a connected acyclic graph, i.e. a connected graph that does not contain cycles. Numerous authors have dedicated themselves to research the average distance in trees. Distance between vertices u and v in connected graph G is defined as the length of the shortest (u, v)−path in G and is denoted by dG(u, v) or d(u, v). The main goal of this work i...
AbstractLet G be a tree and k a non-negative integer. We determine best possible upper and lower bou...
AbstractVarious topological indices have been put forward in different studies, from biochemistry to...
In this talk we survey some work on the number of subtrees and total distances in trees, most of whi...
AbstractThe distance of a vertex u in a connected graph G is defined by σ(u) = ∑ v ϵ V(G)d(u, v) and...
We consider the behavior of distances between vertices and number of subtrees, as topological indice...
We discovered a dual behavior of two tree indices, the Wiener index and the number of subtrees, for ...
The authors discovered a dual behaviour of two tree indices, the Wiener index and the number of subt...
V članku so vpeljani razdaljno uravnoteženi grafi kot grafi, v katerih ima vsaka povezava ▫$uv$▫ nas...
The sum of distances between vertices of a tree has been considered from many aspects. The question ...
The authors discovered a dual behaviour of two tree indices, the Wiener index and the number of subt...
Abstract Let G = ( V ( G ) , E ( G ) ) $G=(V(G),E(G))$ be a graph. A set D ⊆ V ( G ) $D\subseteq V(G...
AbstractLet G=(VG,EG) be a simple connected graph. The eccentric distance sum of G is defined as ξd(...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada su distancijsko regularni grafovi. Rad se sastoji od četiri poglavlja i do...
Various topological indices have been put forward in different studies from bio-chemistry to pure ma...
Povprečna razdalja grafa je izražena s pomočjo kanonične metrične reprezentacije. Enakost lahko preo...
AbstractLet G be a tree and k a non-negative integer. We determine best possible upper and lower bou...
AbstractVarious topological indices have been put forward in different studies, from biochemistry to...
In this talk we survey some work on the number of subtrees and total distances in trees, most of whi...
AbstractThe distance of a vertex u in a connected graph G is defined by σ(u) = ∑ v ϵ V(G)d(u, v) and...
We consider the behavior of distances between vertices and number of subtrees, as topological indice...
We discovered a dual behavior of two tree indices, the Wiener index and the number of subtrees, for ...
The authors discovered a dual behaviour of two tree indices, the Wiener index and the number of subt...
V članku so vpeljani razdaljno uravnoteženi grafi kot grafi, v katerih ima vsaka povezava ▫$uv$▫ nas...
The sum of distances between vertices of a tree has been considered from many aspects. The question ...
The authors discovered a dual behaviour of two tree indices, the Wiener index and the number of subt...
Abstract Let G = ( V ( G ) , E ( G ) ) $G=(V(G),E(G))$ be a graph. A set D ⊆ V ( G ) $D\subseteq V(G...
AbstractLet G=(VG,EG) be a simple connected graph. The eccentric distance sum of G is defined as ξd(...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada su distancijsko regularni grafovi. Rad se sastoji od četiri poglavlja i do...
Various topological indices have been put forward in different studies from bio-chemistry to pure ma...
Povprečna razdalja grafa je izražena s pomočjo kanonične metrične reprezentacije. Enakost lahko preo...
AbstractLet G be a tree and k a non-negative integer. We determine best possible upper and lower bou...
AbstractVarious topological indices have been put forward in different studies, from biochemistry to...
In this talk we survey some work on the number of subtrees and total distances in trees, most of whi...