Cupping terapija smatra se alternativnom metodom liječenja, porijeklom iz Azijskih zemalja, a zadnjih je desetljeća sve više prihvaćena u Zapadnoj medicini. Definira se kao terapija koja koristi čašice za stvaranje vakuuma unutar čašice i tako povlači kožu unutar iste. Točan mehanizam djelovanja ove terapije nije poznat, ali smatra se da dovodi do smanjenja boli, napetosti, te kod nekih stanja do poboljšanja funkcije i kvalitete života. Cupping terapija prepoznata je tisućama godina unazad, a prvi se puta dokazi o postojanju pronalaze na Eberovom papirusu iz starog Egipta. U povijesti se ova terapija prepoznaje kao učinkovita u liječenju problema sa probavom, gubitkom apetita, nesvjesticom, glavoboljom, a danas se najčešće koristi kod liječ...
Low Back Pain (LBP) terjadi karena berbagai proses yang berbeda,penderita LBP akan mengeluhkan ketid...
AbstractBackgroundAs a traditional treatment method, cupping therapy is widely used in Asian countri...
Since ancient times, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM; 補充與替代醫學 bǔ chōng yǔ tì dài yī xué)...
Cupping terapija smatra se alternativnom metodom liječenja, porijeklom iz Azijskih zemalja, a zadnji...
Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce bylo shrnout teoretické i praktické informace o vakuoterapii jako mas...
Antik çağlardan bu yana, tamamlayıcı ve geleneksel tedavi, insan sağlığı için önemli bir rol oynamış...
Alternativna medicina primjenjuje različite metode liječenja u svrhu zamjene konvencionalne medicine...
Cupping therapy belongs to methods of natural medicine. Cups have been used since ancient times, wit...
Background: Cupping (Hijamah) therapy is very well documented as a result of several thousand years ...
Çalışmadaki amacımız Rotator Cuff Sendromu (RCS) tanısı alan bireylerde kuru kupa terapisinin etkinl...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the evidence from the literature regarding the effects of cupping ...
Background: Cupping Therapy is a risky therapy because there is a process of injury and bleeding. Th...
Traditional and alternative medicine practitioners have used cupping therapy for centuries.Growing d...
Now a day’s cupping therapy is an established therapeutic modality among Indian system of medicine a...
Low Back Pain (LBP) terjadi karena berbagai proses yang berbeda,penderita LBP akan mengeluhkan ketid...
AbstractBackgroundAs a traditional treatment method, cupping therapy is widely used in Asian countri...
Since ancient times, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM; 補充與替代醫學 bǔ chōng yǔ tì dài yī xué)...
Cupping terapija smatra se alternativnom metodom liječenja, porijeklom iz Azijskih zemalja, a zadnji...
Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce bylo shrnout teoretické i praktické informace o vakuoterapii jako mas...
Antik çağlardan bu yana, tamamlayıcı ve geleneksel tedavi, insan sağlığı için önemli bir rol oynamış...
Alternativna medicina primjenjuje različite metode liječenja u svrhu zamjene konvencionalne medicine...
Cupping therapy belongs to methods of natural medicine. Cups have been used since ancient times, wit...
Background: Cupping (Hijamah) therapy is very well documented as a result of several thousand years ...
Çalışmadaki amacımız Rotator Cuff Sendromu (RCS) tanısı alan bireylerde kuru kupa terapisinin etkinl...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the evidence from the literature regarding the effects of cupping ...
Background: Cupping Therapy is a risky therapy because there is a process of injury and bleeding. Th...
Traditional and alternative medicine practitioners have used cupping therapy for centuries.Growing d...
Now a day’s cupping therapy is an established therapeutic modality among Indian system of medicine a...
Low Back Pain (LBP) terjadi karena berbagai proses yang berbeda,penderita LBP akan mengeluhkan ketid...
AbstractBackgroundAs a traditional treatment method, cupping therapy is widely used in Asian countri...
Since ancient times, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM; 補充與替代醫學 bǔ chōng yǔ tì dài yī xué)...