Kako potreba za naftom i njenim proizvodima raste, tako dolazi i do sve češćih onečišćenja okoliša prilikom raznih aktivnosti tijekom njezine uporabe. Zbog svog negativnog utjecaja na sav živi svijet, naftne ugljikovodike nužno je ukloniti iz okoliša. Jedan od postupaka za remedijaciju tla onečišćenog naftom je bioremedijacija. Bioremedijacija je okolišno i ekonomski prihvatljiv postupak za uklanjanje prisutnog onečišćenja u kojem mikroorganizmi i njihovi enzimi imaju ključnu ulogu. Kako bi se povećala učinkovitost bioremedijacije potrebno je selektirati mikroorganizme koji pokazuju afinitet za razgradnju naftnih ugljikovodika. U ovom radu provedena je izolacija, identifikacija i karakterizacija autohtonih mikrobnih kultura iz uzorka tla on...
The contamination of soil and water with petroleum and its products occurs due to accidental spills ...
Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploita...
Kazakhstan is one of the major oil producing and processing countries. Unfortunately, along with the...
Nafta predstavlja jedan od glavnih energenata današnjice i njena upotreba vrlo je široka. Svakodnevn...
Bioremediation, a process that utilizes the capability of microorganism to degrade toxic waste, is e...
Bioremediation, a process that utilizes the capability of microorganism to degrade toxic waste, is e...
The petrochemical industry, during the petroleum-refining process, generates a different hazardous e...
Onečišćenje tla sirovom naftom iz petrokemijskih i naftnih industrija predstavlja važan problem širo...
The bioremediation potential of the aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in soil (Danube alluvium, Panc...
The bioremediation potential of the aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in soil (Danube alluvium, Panč...
Bioremediation is a method of reviving enviroment which is using natural processes. These processes,...
Cilj ove teze bio je ispitivanje uticaja biostimulacionih faktora na degradaciju glavnih komponenti ...
Bioremediation is emerging as a promising technology for the treatment of soil and groundwater conta...
Jednym z głównych problemów środowiskowych w obecnych czasach jest działalność związana z produkcją,...
Bioremediation potential of bacteria and fungi isolated from sediment samples from an alluvial forma...
The contamination of soil and water with petroleum and its products occurs due to accidental spills ...
Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploita...
Kazakhstan is one of the major oil producing and processing countries. Unfortunately, along with the...
Nafta predstavlja jedan od glavnih energenata današnjice i njena upotreba vrlo je široka. Svakodnevn...
Bioremediation, a process that utilizes the capability of microorganism to degrade toxic waste, is e...
Bioremediation, a process that utilizes the capability of microorganism to degrade toxic waste, is e...
The petrochemical industry, during the petroleum-refining process, generates a different hazardous e...
Onečišćenje tla sirovom naftom iz petrokemijskih i naftnih industrija predstavlja važan problem širo...
The bioremediation potential of the aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in soil (Danube alluvium, Panc...
The bioremediation potential of the aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in soil (Danube alluvium, Panč...
Bioremediation is a method of reviving enviroment which is using natural processes. These processes,...
Cilj ove teze bio je ispitivanje uticaja biostimulacionih faktora na degradaciju glavnih komponenti ...
Bioremediation is emerging as a promising technology for the treatment of soil and groundwater conta...
Jednym z głównych problemów środowiskowych w obecnych czasach jest działalność związana z produkcją,...
Bioremediation potential of bacteria and fungi isolated from sediment samples from an alluvial forma...
The contamination of soil and water with petroleum and its products occurs due to accidental spills ...
Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploita...
Kazakhstan is one of the major oil producing and processing countries. Unfortunately, along with the...