Localisation de phonons et de photons dans des métasurfaces aléatoires : vers un couplage acousto-optique

  • Deletang, Thibault
Publication date
April 2023


The study of wave propagation in complex media has been a central topic in physics for about sixty years. In addition to the many applications in medical imaging, seismology, or to explain the color of some living beings, this subject still raises many questions much more fundamental. It is partly thanks to Anderson's work on the absence of electron scattering in so-called random materials, causing the transition of their metallic properties to insulating properties, that we owe such an interest. It is then necessary to wait until the end of the 21st century for a first unequivocal experimental proof of this transition to be reported thanks to elastic waves. Since then, other experimental evidence of elastic wave localization in similar dis...

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