We report a self-paced reading experiment investigating phrasal verbs that are ambiguous between literal/non-literal interpretations (wait on {a bench, a customer}). We tested how/whether contextual biases (towards literal/non-literal interpretations) influence processing ease. Our results suggest an asymmetry in how contextual bias affects processing: When context biases the non-literal interpretation, comprehension proceeds smoothly regardless of whether the verb sequence turns out to be literal or non-literal; when context biases the literal interpretation, processing difficulties arise when the verb sequence turns out to be non-literal. We discuss the implications of our findings for existing models of non-compositional processing
Prior research has shown that sentences with noncanonical argument order (e.g., patient-before- agen...
In this thesis we shall investigate the kinds of information which the Human Sentence Processing Me...
Introduction. Our research aims at challenging the classical principle of compositionality in sente...
We report a self-paced reading experiment investigating phrasal verbs that are ambiguous between lit...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
Verb bias facilitates parsing of temporarily ambiguous sentences, but it is unclear when and how com...
It is widely accepted that the meanings and the forms of Multi Word Expressions (MWEs) are stored in...
Spoken language comprehension requires rapid integration of information from multiple linguistic sou...
Language comprehension involves activating word meanings and integrating them with the sentence cont...
Idioms can have both a literal interpretation and a figurative interpretation (e.g., to "kick the bu...
The purpose of this study was to investigate how contextual information, prior to an idiomatic expr...
Evidence from literal sentence comprehension suggests that sufficiently constraining sentence contex...
Six experiments investigating the relationship of familiarity and context to the processing of metap...
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72630/1/j.1467-8640.1992.tb00373.x.pd
Prior research has shown that sentences with noncanonical argument order (e.g., patient-before- agen...
In this thesis we shall investigate the kinds of information which the Human Sentence Processing Me...
Introduction. Our research aims at challenging the classical principle of compositionality in sente...
We report a self-paced reading experiment investigating phrasal verbs that are ambiguous between lit...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
Verb bias facilitates parsing of temporarily ambiguous sentences, but it is unclear when and how com...
It is widely accepted that the meanings and the forms of Multi Word Expressions (MWEs) are stored in...
Spoken language comprehension requires rapid integration of information from multiple linguistic sou...
Language comprehension involves activating word meanings and integrating them with the sentence cont...
Idioms can have both a literal interpretation and a figurative interpretation (e.g., to "kick the bu...
The purpose of this study was to investigate how contextual information, prior to an idiomatic expr...
Evidence from literal sentence comprehension suggests that sufficiently constraining sentence contex...
Six experiments investigating the relationship of familiarity and context to the processing of metap...
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72630/1/j.1467-8640.1992.tb00373.x.pd
Prior research has shown that sentences with noncanonical argument order (e.g., patient-before- agen...
In this thesis we shall investigate the kinds of information which the Human Sentence Processing Me...
Introduction. Our research aims at challenging the classical principle of compositionality in sente...