In the spring of 1863, Detective Jack Hawkshaw strolled carelessly onto the stage of the Olympic Theatre. The first British stage detective of any significance, Hawkshaw ushered in the beginning of a detective era on the London stage. Established quickly as a significant part of the nineteenth-century theatrical scene, the stage detective was swiftly codified into a theatrical “line.” Always happy to adopt a fictional persona or throw off a disguise, to play with performance conventions or manifestly observe his theatrical counterparts, the stage detective spoke the language of nineteenth-century theatre. More than this, he became an integral part of contemporary dramatic structure and style, both facilitating melodramatic resolution and lo...
Few life occurrences shaped individual and collective identities within Victorian society as critica...
The popular British theatre of the late nineteenth century has often been regarded as both aesthetic...
In April 1894, the Times Column of New Books and New Editions introduced to its readers "a Female Sh...
The character of the detective in Victorian literature and entertainment seems to be a paradox: task...
The mechanics of detection and figures with an investigatory function appeared in fictional texts in...
Contemporary literature and recent media studies have taken so much from the genre called “Sensation...
In 1888, several murders in the London boroughs of Whitechapel and Spitalfields became the first mod...
Exposed to the mystery of his father’s suspicious death, young Hamlet followed the riddle of solving...
Working with Fredric Jameson's understanding of genre as a "formal sedimentation" of an ideology, th...
Includes bibliographic references.1. The trickster reborn: Poe, Dickens, Collins and the invention o...
During the nineteenth century there was a surge in violent crime. The creation of the printing press...
Heidi N. KaufmanThis study investigated the relationship that fictional detective had with professio...
In the decade of the 1890s, the detective story genre turned to the older form of Gothic fiction as ...
Heather Worthington's book challenges the traditional account that finds detection before Poe's Dupi...
‘In dramatising a novel, there are many advantages but many difficulties’, notes Bram Stoker, the th...
Few life occurrences shaped individual and collective identities within Victorian society as critica...
The popular British theatre of the late nineteenth century has often been regarded as both aesthetic...
In April 1894, the Times Column of New Books and New Editions introduced to its readers "a Female Sh...
The character of the detective in Victorian literature and entertainment seems to be a paradox: task...
The mechanics of detection and figures with an investigatory function appeared in fictional texts in...
Contemporary literature and recent media studies have taken so much from the genre called “Sensation...
In 1888, several murders in the London boroughs of Whitechapel and Spitalfields became the first mod...
Exposed to the mystery of his father’s suspicious death, young Hamlet followed the riddle of solving...
Working with Fredric Jameson's understanding of genre as a "formal sedimentation" of an ideology, th...
Includes bibliographic references.1. The trickster reborn: Poe, Dickens, Collins and the invention o...
During the nineteenth century there was a surge in violent crime. The creation of the printing press...
Heidi N. KaufmanThis study investigated the relationship that fictional detective had with professio...
In the decade of the 1890s, the detective story genre turned to the older form of Gothic fiction as ...
Heather Worthington's book challenges the traditional account that finds detection before Poe's Dupi...
‘In dramatising a novel, there are many advantages but many difficulties’, notes Bram Stoker, the th...
Few life occurrences shaped individual and collective identities within Victorian society as critica...
The popular British theatre of the late nineteenth century has often been regarded as both aesthetic...
In April 1894, the Times Column of New Books and New Editions introduced to its readers "a Female Sh...