Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate, consisting of sheath, ligule and blade. Sheaths envelopping the stem, usually with free margins; ligule borne at the mouth of the sheath, membranaceous or a rim of hairs; blades mostly elongate, flat, convolute or terete, parallel-veined. Inflorescence spicate, racemose or paniculate, bearing spikelets which consist of a shortened axis (rhachilla) and two to many scales. The two lowest scales (glumes) empty, rarely wanting; the following scales (lemmas) bearing in their axil an usually enclosed prophyll (palea) and a perfect or reduced flower. Lemma, palea and flower together forming the floret. Perfect flower consisting of 2—3 hyaline or fleshy lodicules, usually 3 (1—6) stamens ...