Proximate and ultimate factors that promote aggregated breeding in the Western Sandpiper

  • Johnson, Matthew
  • Walters, Jeffrey R.
Publication date
August 2011
University of Toronto Medical Journal


We report that Western Sandpipers ( Calidris mauri ) on Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta exhibited aggregated breeding behavior at a relatively small spatial scale. Prior to clutch initiation, males performing song flight displays on a 36 ha plot were aggregated as were subsequent initial nesting attempts on the plot. We tested three hypotheses commonly invoked to explain aggregated breeding in territorial species (social mate choice, predation, and material resources hypotheses), and found support for the material resources hypothesis, as dispersed individuals were more often associated with tundra habitat patches, and aggregated individuals nested more often in undulating-tundra habitat patches compared to patch availability. Th...

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